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Zoltán Nagy edited this page Jun 18, 2019 · 1 revision
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ZIPKIN : 2019-02 in Zipkin

Created by Adrian Cole, last modified on Mar 05, 2019

February was a catch-up month after a January packed with face to face meetings. One interesting update was site document, telling the story about their transition from a Zipkin backend to Haystack while still using our instrumentation libraries. Many of us spent time on ASF procedure, on a first release of the brave-karaf project. This led to some process improvements and a new release verification tool led by Zoltán. Another interesting development was a pure Kafka backend by Jorge. While an experiment, this allows more flexibility such as streaming aggregation and worth a look if you are Kafka inclined. We also added a Ruby example to help people get started with tools like Sinatra. Finally, the zipkin server prepares for a March release that includes a Lens preview button. Watch for that!


Here's a quick round of notable updates, broken down by org and repository.

ASF repositories:

brave-karaf first ASF incubating release v0.1.2

OpenZipkin repositories:

docker-zipkin added an Elasticsearch 7 image for investigating interop

zipkin fixed numerous bugs in the classic UI

zipkin-js v0.16.2 includes revised default tag logic

zipkin-php prepares for a PHP 7 release

OpenZipkin contrib repositories:

brave-ratpack v2.4.1 includes context related bugfixes

zipkin-go-opentracing prepares to use the zipkin-go library underneath

brave-akka had its first commit

Document generated by Confluence on Jun 18, 2019 18:50
