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Zipkin 1.20

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@codefromthecrypt codefromthecrypt released this 03 Feb 01:29
· 1888 commits to master since this release

Zipkin 1.20 focuses on Elasticsearch

There are two main changes:

@ImFlog added a new parameter which helps when you can't use hyphenated date format

  • ES_DATE_SEPARATOR: The separator used when generating dates in index.
    Defaults to '-' so the queried index look like zipkin-yyyy-DD-mm.
    Could for example be changed to '.' to give zipkin-yyyy.MM.dd

Moving to http for communication between Zipkin and Elasticsearch

We also decoupled elasticsearch from the transport protocol. Those using the server won't see
impact as it is transparent.

Those not yet using http should switch as soon as possible as we won't support
the transport protocol going forward

If you are using Amazon or the zipkin-dependencies spark job, you are unaffected
as they always used http.

If you are using Elasticsearch with zipkin-server, you'd transition like below:

# this implicitly uses the transport protocol
$ STORAGE_TYPE=elasticsearch ES_HOSTS=, ...
# change to this, for the http protocol
$ STORAGE_TYPE=elasticsearch ES_HOSTS=, ...

If you are using Zipkin's Elasticsearch storage library directly, you'd transition like below:

// this implicitly uses the transport protocol
es = ElasticsearchStorage.builder()
// change to this, for the http protocol
es = ElasticsearchHttpStorage.builder()

Note that ElasticsearchHttpStorage works with Elasticsearch 2.x+ and only has library dependencies on OkHttp, Moshi, and Zipkin itself. Unlike its predecessor ElasticsearchStorage, you aren't pinned to a specific ES or Guava library version. (#1431)