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Frederic Bor edited this page Feb 3, 2020 · 1 revision
> PFSENSE_SETUP    (/home/fbor/ansible/lib/ansible/modules/network/pfsense/

  Manage pfSense general setup

  * This module is maintained by The Ansible Community
OPTIONS (= is mandatory):

- dashboardavailablewidgetspanel
  Show the Available Widgets panel on the Dashboard.
  [Default: (null)]
  type: bool

- dashboardcolumns
  Dashboard columns
  [Default: (null)]
  type: int

- disablealiaspopupdetail
  If selected, the details in alias popups will not be shown, just the alias description (e.g. in Firewall Rules).
  [Default: (null)]
  type: bool

- dns_addresses
  DNS IP addresses, separated by space
  [Default: (null)]
  type: str

- dns_gateways
  DNS gateways, separated by space. You can use none for empty values.
  [Default: (null)]
  type: str

- dns_hostnames
  DNS hostnames, separated by space. You can use none for empty values.
  [Default: (null)]
  type: str

- dnsallowoverride
  Allow DNS server list to be overridden by DHCP/PPP on WAN
  [Default: (null)]
  type: bool

- dnslocalhost
  Do not use the DNS Forwarder/DNS Resolver as a DNS server for the firewall
  [Default: (null)]
  type: bool

- domain
  Domain name of the firewall host
  [Default: (null)]
  type: str

- hostname
  Hostname of the firewall host, without domain part
  [Default: (null)]
  type: str

- interfacessort
  If selected, lists of interfaces will be sorted by description, otherwise they are listed wan,lan,optn...
  [Default: (null)]
  type: bool

- language
  Time servers, separated by space
  (Choices: bs, de_DE, en_US, es, es_AR, fr, ko, nb, nl, pl, pt_PT, pt_BR, ru, zh_CN, zh_Hans_CN, zh_HK, zh_TW)[Default: (null)]
  type: str

- logincss
  Color for the login page
  [Default: (null)]
  type: str

- loginshowhost
  Show hostname on login banner
  [Default: (null)]
  type: bool

- requirestatefilter
  This option requires a filter to be entered before the states are displayed.
  [Default: (null)]
  type: bool

- roworderdragging
  Disables dragging rows to allow selecting and copying row contents and avoid accidental changes.
  [Default: (null)]
  type: bool

- statusmonitoringsettingspanel
  Show the Settings panel in Status Monitoring.
  [Default: (null)]
  type: bool

- systemlogsfilterpanel
  Show the Log Filter panel in System Logs.
  [Default: (null)]
  type: bool

- systemlogsmanagelogpanel
  Show the Manage Log panel in System Logs.
  [Default: (null)]
  type: bool

- timeservers
  Time servers, separated by space
  [Default: (null)]
  type: str

- timezone
  Select a geographic region name (Continent/Location) to determine the timezone for the firewall.
  [Default: (null)]
  type: str

- webguicss
  Choose an alternative css file (if installed) to change the appearance of the webConfigurator.
  [Default: (null)]
  type: str

- webguifixedmenu
  When enabled, menu remains visible at top of page
  [Default: (null)]
  type: bool

- webguihostnamemenu
  Replaces the Help menu title in the Navbar with the system hostname or FQDN.
  (Choices: nohost, hostonly, fqdn)[Default: (null)]
  type: str

- webguileftcolumnhyper
  If selected, clicking a label in the left column will select/toggle the first item of the group.
  [Default: (null)]
  type: bool

AUTHOR: Frederic Bor (@f-bor)
    - preview
    supported_by: community


- name: setup hostname and domain
    hostname: acme

- name: setup theme
    webguicss: pfSense-dark

- name: timezone and language
    timezone: Europe/Paris
    language: fr


    description: the set of commands that would be pushed to the remote device (if pfSense had a CLI)
    returned: always
    type: list
    sample: ["update setup general set hostname='acme', domain=''"]
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