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Bazel Setup Instructions for Mac

Ben Henning edited this page Jun 13, 2024 · 2 revisions

Bazel Set up for Mac including Apple silicon (M1/M2) chips


The steps to install Bazel on Mac are:

  1. Set up Rosetta Terminal
  2. Install Bazel
  3. Set Bazel and ANDROID_HOME paths permanently in your terminal
  4. Verify that the build is working

1. Set up Rosetta Terminal

  • In the Finder app on your Mac, locate the Applications folder from the favorites sidebar.
  • Right-click on your Terminal app and create a duplicate Terminal (and rename it accordingly, say Terminal Rosetta, to avoid confusion).
  • On the newly created Terminal Rosetta icon, right-click and select "Get info", and under “General”, check the option "Open using Rosetta".

Note: Always use the Rosetta terminal for Bazel setup and running bash or any Bazel build-related commands.

2. Install Bazel

  1. Install Bazel following the instructions here. Make sure that you follow the instructions for installing a specific version (Oppia Android requires 6.5.0 and won't build on other versions).

  2. That’s it, now Bazel is installed, and you can verify it by running the command:

    bazel --version
    • Expected Output
    bazel 6.5.0

3. Set Bazel and ANDROID_HOME paths permanently in your terminal

  • To set the Bazel and ANDROID_HOME path permanently in your terminal run these commands:
    sudo nano /etc/paths
    • Enter your password, when prompted.
    • Go to the bottom of the file, and enter these paths
    • Hit control-x to quit.
    • Enter “Y” to save the modified buffer.
    • That’s it! To test it, in a new terminal window, type: echo $PATH

Note: You must set the path for Bazel and ANDROID_HOME before running bazel build for oppia-android, otherwise you will get an error.

4. Verify that the build is working

At this point, your system should be able to build Oppia Android. To verify, try building the APK (from your subsystem terminal -- note that this and all other Bazel commands must be run from the root of the ‘oppia-android’ directory otherwise they will fail):

bazel build //:oppia_dev

(Note that this command may take 10-20 minutes to complete depending on the performance of your machine).

If everything is working, you should see output like the following:

Target //:oppia_dev up-to-date:
INFO: Elapsed time: ...
INFO: 1 process...
INFO: Build completed successfully, ...

Note also that the oppia_dev.aab under the bazel-bin directory of your local copy of Oppia Android should be a fully functioning development version of the app that can be installed using bundle-tool. However, it's recommended to deploy Oppia to an emulator or connected device using the following Bazel command:

bazel run //:install_oppia_dev
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