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Release 3.3.0

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@mjc1283 mjc1283 released this 25 Sep 21:29
· 368 commits to master since this release

[3.3.0] - September 25th, 2019

New Features

  • Added support for event batching via the event processor.
    • Events generated by methods like activate, track, and isFeatureEnabled will be held in a queue until the configured batch size is reached, or the configured flush interval has elapsed. Then, they will be combined into a request and sent to the event dispatcher.
    • To configure event batching, include the eventBatchSize and eventFlushInterval number properties in the object you pass to createInstance.
    • Event batching is enabled by default. eventBatchSize defaults to 10. eventFlushInterval defaults to 30000 in Node and 1000 in browsers.
  • Added localStorage mitigation against lost events in the browser
    • When event requests are dispatched, they are written to localStorage, and when a response is received, they are removed from localStorage.
    • When the SDK is initialized for the first time in the browser, if any requests remain in localStorage, they will be sent, and removed from localStorage when a response is received.
  • Updated the close method to return a Promise representing the process of closing the instance. When close is called, any events waiting to be sent as part of a batched event request will be immediately batched and sent to the event dispatcher.
    • If any such requests were sent to the event dispatcher, close returns a Promise that fulfills after the event dispatcher calls the response callback for each request. Otherwise, close returns an immediately-fulfilled Promise.
    • The Promise returned from close is fulfilled with a result object containing success (boolean) and reason (string, only when success is false) properties. In the result object, success is true if all events in the queue at the time close was called were combined into requests, sent to the event dispatcher, and the event dispatcher called the callbacks for each request. success is false if an unexpected error was encountered during the close process.
  • Added non-typed getFeatureVariable method (#298) as a more idiomatic approach to getting values of feature variables.
    • Typed getFeatureVariable methods will still be available for use.