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A Cluster resource describes the lifecycle options for all of the Managed Server members of a WebLogic cluster, including Java options, environment variables, additional Pod content, and the ability to explicitly start, stop, or restart cluster members. It must describe a cluster that already exists in the WebLogic domain configuration. See also domain.spec.clusters.

Name Type Description
apiVersion string The API version defines the versioned schema of this cluster.
kind string The type of the REST resource. Must be "Cluster".
metadata Object Meta The resource metadata. Must include the name and `namespace.
spec Cluster Spec The specification of the operation of the WebLogic cluster. Required.
status Cluster Status The current status of the operation of the WebLogic cluster. Updated automatically by the operator.

Cluster Spec

The specification of the operation of the WebLogic cluster. Required.

Name Type Description
clusterName string The name of the cluster. This value must match the name of a WebLogic cluster already defined in the WebLogic domain configuration. Required.
clusterService Cluster Service Customization affecting Kubernetes Service generated for this WebLogic cluster.
maxConcurrentShutdown integer The maximum number of WebLogic Server instances that will shut down in parallel for this cluster when it is being partially shut down by lowering its replica count. A value of 0 means there is no limit. Defaults to spec.maxClusterConcurrentShutdown, which defaults to 1.
maxConcurrentStartup integer The maximum number of Managed Servers instances that the operator will start in parallel for this cluster in response to a change in the replicas count. If more Managed Server instances must be started, the operator will wait until a Managed Server Pod is in the Ready state before starting the next Managed Server instance. A value of 0 means all Managed Server instances will start in parallel. Defaults to domain.spec.maxClusterConcurrentStartup, which defaults to 0.
maxUnavailable integer The maximum number of cluster members that can be temporarily unavailable. Defaults to domain.spec.maxClusterUnavailable, which defaults to 1.
replicas integer The number of cluster member Managed Server instances to start for this WebLogic cluster. The operator will sort cluster member Managed Server names from the WebLogic domain configuration by normalizing any numbers in the Managed Server name and then sorting alphabetically. This is done so that server names such as "managed-server10" come after "managed-server9". The operator will then start Managed Server instances from the sorted list, up to the replicas count, unless specific Managed Servers are specified as starting in their entry under the managedServers field. In that case, the specified Managed Server instances will be started and then additional cluster members will be started, up to the replicas count, by finding further cluster members in the sorted list that are not already started. If cluster members are started because of their related entries under managedServers, then this cluster may have more cluster members running than its replicas count. Defaults to domain.spec.replicas, which defaults 1.
restartVersion string Changes to this field cause the operator to restart WebLogic Server instances. More info:
serverPod Server Pod Customization affecting the generation of Pods for WebLogic Server instances.
serverService Server Service Customization affecting the generation of ClusterIP Services for WebLogic Server instances.
serverStartPolicy string The strategy for deciding whether to start a WebLogic Server instance. Legal values are Never, or IfNeeded. Defaults to IfNeeded. More info:

Cluster Status

Name Type Description
clusterName string WebLogic cluster name.
conditions Array of Cluster Condition Current service state of the cluster.
labelSelector string Label selector that can be used to discover Pods associated with WebLogic managed servers belonging to this cluster. Must be set to work with HorizontalPodAutoscaler.
maximumReplicas integer The maximum number of cluster members.
minimumReplicas integer The minimum number of cluster members.
observedGeneration integer The Cluster resource generation observed by the WebLogic operator. If the Cluster resource exists, then this value will match the 'cluster.metadata.generation' when the 'cluster.status' correctly reflects the latest cluster resource changes.
readyReplicas integer The number of ready cluster members.
replicas integer The number of currently running cluster members.
replicasGoal integer The requested number of cluster members. Cluster members will be started by the operator if this value is larger than zero.

Cluster Service

Name Type Description
annotations Map The annotations to be added to generated resources.
labels Map The labels to be added to generated resources. The label names must not start with "weblogic.".
sessionAffinity string Advanced setting to enable client IP based session affinity. Must be ClientIP or None. Defaults to None. More info:

Server Pod

Name Type Description
affinity Affinity The Pod's scheduling constraints. More info: See kubectl explain pods.spec.affinity.
annotations Map The annotations to be added to generated resources.
containers Array of Container Additional containers to be included in the server Pod. See kubectl explain pods.spec.containers.
containerSecurityContext Security Context Container-level security attributes. Will override any matching Pod-level attributes. See kubectl explain pods.spec.containers.securityContext. Beginning with operator version 4.0.5, if no value is specified for this field, the operator will use default content for container-level securityContext. More info:
env Array of Env Var A list of environment variables to set in the container running a WebLogic Server instance. More info: See kubectl explain pods.spec.containers.env.
envFrom Array of Env From Source List of sources to populate environment variables in the container running a WebLogic Server instance. The sources include either a config map or a secret. The operator will not expand the dependent variables in the 'envFrom' source. More details: Also see:
hostAliases Array of Host Alias HostAliases is an optional list of hosts and IPs that will be injected into the pod's hosts file if specified. This is only valid for non-hostNetwork pods.
initContainers Array of Container Initialization containers to be included in the server Pod. See kubectl explain pods.spec.initContainers.
labels Map The labels to be added to generated resources. The label names must not start with "weblogic.".
livenessProbe Probe Settings for the liveness probe associated with a WebLogic Server instance. If not specified, the operator will create a probe that executes a script provided by the operator. The operator will also fill in any missing tuning-related fields, if they are unspecified. Tuning-related fields will be inherited from the domain and cluster scopes unless a more specific scope defines a different action, such as a different script to execute.
maxPendingWaitTimeSeconds integer The maximum time in seconds that the operator waits for a WebLogic Server pod to reach the running state before it considers the pod failed. Defaults to 5 minutes.
maxReadyWaitTimeSeconds integer The maximum time in seconds that the operator waits for a WebLogic Server pod to reach the ready state before it considers the pod failed. Defaults to 1800 seconds.
nodeName string NodeName is a request to schedule this Pod onto a specific Node. If it is non-empty, the scheduler simply schedules this pod onto that node, assuming that it fits the resource requirements. See kubectl explain pods.spec.nodeName.
nodeSelector Map Selector which must match a Node's labels for the Pod to be scheduled on that Node. See kubectl explain pods.spec.nodeSelector.
podSecurityContext Pod Security Context Pod-level security attributes. See kubectl explain pods.spec.securityContext. Beginning with operator version 4.0.5, if no value is specified for this field, the operator will use default content for the pod-level securityContext. More info:
priorityClassName string If specified, indicates the Pod's priority. "system-node-critical" and "system-cluster-critical" are two special keywords which indicate the highest priorities with the former being the highest priority. Any other name must be defined by creating a PriorityClass object with that name. If not specified, the pod priority will be the default or zero, if there is no default. See kubectl explain pods.spec.priorityClassName.
readinessGates Array of Pod Readiness Gate If specified, all readiness gates will be evaluated for Pod readiness. A Pod is ready when all its containers are ready AND all conditions specified in the readiness gates have a status equal to "True". More info:
readinessProbe Probe Settings for the readiness probe associated with a WebLogic Server instance. If not specified, the operator will create an HTTP probe accessing the /weblogic/ready path. If an HTTP probe is specified then the operator will fill in path, port, and scheme, if they are missing. The operator will also fill in any missing tuning-related fields if they are unspecified. Tuning-related fields will be inherited from the domain and cluster scopes unless a more specific scope defines a different action, such as a different HTTP path to access.
resources Resource Requirements Memory and CPU minimum requirements and limits for the WebLogic Server instance. See kubectl explain pods.spec.containers.resources.
restartPolicy string Restart policy for all containers within the Pod. One of Always, OnFailure, Never. Default to Always. More info: See kubectl explain pods.spec.restartPolicy.
runtimeClassName string RuntimeClassName refers to a RuntimeClass object in the group, which should be used to run this Pod. If no RuntimeClass resource matches the named class, the Pod will not be run. If unset or empty, the "legacy" RuntimeClass will be used, which is an implicit class with an empty definition that uses the default runtime handler. More info: This is an alpha feature and may change in the future. See kubectl explain pods.spec.runtimeClassName.
schedulerName string If specified, the Pod will be dispatched by the specified scheduler. If not specified, the Pod will be dispatched by the default scheduler. See kubectl explain pods.spec.schedulerName.
serviceAccountName string Name of the ServiceAccount to be used to run this Pod. If it is not set, default ServiceAccount will be used. The ServiceAccount has to exist at the time the Pod is created. See kubectl explain pods.spec.serviceAccountName.
shutdown Shutdown Configures how the operator should shut down the server instance.
startupProbe Probe Settings for the startup probe associated with a WebLogic Server instance. If not specified, the operator will not create a default startup probe.
tolerations Array of Toleration If specified, the Pod's tolerations. See kubectl explain pods.spec.tolerations.
topologySpreadConstraints Array of Topology Spread Constraint TopologySpreadConstraints describes how a group of pods ought to spread across topology domains. Scheduler will schedule pods in a way which abides by the constraints. All topologySpreadConstraints are ANDed.
volumeMounts Array of Volume Mount Additional volume mounts for the container running a WebLogic Server instance. See kubectl explain pods.spec.containers.volumeMounts.
volumes Array of Volume Additional volumes to be created in the server Pod. See kubectl explain pods.spec.volumes.

Server Service

Name Type Description
annotations Map The annotations to be added to generated resources.
labels Map The labels to be added to generated resources. The label names must not start with "weblogic.".
precreateService Boolean If true, the operator will create ClusterIP Services even for WebLogic Server instances without running Pods.

Cluster Condition

Name Type Description
lastTransitionTime DateTime Last time the condition transitioned from one status to another.
message string Human-readable message indicating details about last transition.
status string The status of the condition. Can be True, False.
type string The type of the condition. Valid types are Completed, Available, Failed, and Rolling.


Name Type Description
ignoreSessions Boolean For graceful shutdown only, indicates to ignore pending HTTP sessions during in-flight work handling. Defaults to false.
shutdownType string Specifies how the operator will shut down server instances. Legal values are Graceful and Forced. Defaults to Graceful.
skipWaitingCohEndangeredState Boolean For graceful shutdown only, set to true to skip waiting for Coherence Cache Cluster service MBean HAStatus in safe state before shutdown. By default, the operator will wait until it is safe to shutdown the Coherence Cache Cluster. Defaults to false.
timeoutSeconds integer For graceful shutdown only, number of seconds to wait before aborting in-flight work and shutting down the server. Defaults to 30 seconds.
waitForAllSessions Boolean For graceful shutdown only, set to true to wait for all HTTP sessions during in-flight work handling; false to wait for non-persisted HTTP sessions only. Defaults to false.