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Better Search & Fonts

No due date 100% complete

This milestone tracks tasks developed in the scope of NLNet grant:

  1. Implement offline search/geocoding for addresses without street names
  2. Implement offline search/geocoding for addresses in Czechia, Slovakia, Austria and Hungary
  3. Improve offline search/geocoding by using postcodes
  4. Improve offline address and postal code search/geocoding in the US by integr…

This milestone tracks tasks developed in the scope of NLNet grant:

  1. Implement offline search/geocoding for addresses without street names
  2. Implement offline search/geocoding for addresses in Czechia, Slovakia, Austria and Hungary
  3. Improve offline search/geocoding by using postcodes
  4. Improve offline address and postal code search/geocoding in the US by integrating TIGER database
  5. Fix and improve rendering of non-Latin names on the map

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