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João Pereira joaoopereira
DevOps Engineer

@criticalmanufaturing Porto, Portugal

Trenton Zimmer trmazi
I work with servers and computers for my job, and I play pretty much every music game! I also love working on and collecting old Macs. Trying to learn Korean.


Peilin Li Ross-Li
Oh I am the guy who tells other guys to fix the bugs. Information Systems major because I can't get into CS. But programming is self-study anyway right?


Seth Caiola sc8819
Coder, roboticist, musician, filmmaker, tech enthusiast, and maker. I am also a part of FTC team 17301 Royal Rumble
Ben Hagen cbenhagen

OTTOMATIC GmbH Switzerland


42 Paris, France

Johan Nilsson gobo-ws

Norrköping, Sweden

Wasawat Somno dodadoa
I code, therefore bugs exist. \n

Bangkok, Thailand

IFo Hancroft ifohancroft
I like making, breaking and modding stuff, using a soldering iron, code or both.

Tool.Domains Sofia, Bulgaria