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fullstack-network-manager 0.15.0

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @hashgraph/fullstack-network-manager@0.15.0
Install via package.json:
"@hashgraph/fullstack-network-manager": "0.15.0"

About this version

Full Stack Network Manager CLI

Full Stack Network Manager (fsnetman) is a CLI tool to manage and deploy a Hedera Network using the FS Helm Chart.


  • Create or update ~/.npmrc file and specify the GitHub package registry:
  • Get your Github access token and setup an environment variable GITHUB_TOKEN.

  • Run npm install -g @hashgraph/fullstack-network-manager

  • Run fsnetman from a terminal as shown below

❯ fsnetman
  fsnetman <command> [options]

  fsnetman init     Perform dependency checks and initialize local environment
  fsnetman cluster  Manage FST cluster
  fsnetman chart    Manage FST chart deployment

  -h, --help     Show help                                                                                     [boolean]
  -v, --version  Show version number                                                                           [boolean]

Select a command


  • In order to support ES6 modules with jest, set an env variable export NODE_OPTIONS=--experimental-vm-modules >> ~/.zshrc
    • If you are using Intellij and would like to use debugger tools, you will need to enable --experimental-vm-modules for Jest.
      • Run->Edit Configurations->Edit Configuration Templates->Jest and then set --experimental-vm-modules in Node Options.
  • Run npm i to install the required packages
  • Run npm link to install fsnetman as the CLI
    • Note: you need to do it once. If fsnetman already exists in your path, you will need to remove it first.
    • Alternative way would be to run npm run fsnetman -- <COMMAND> <ARGS>
  • Run npm test or npm run test to run the unit tests
  • Run fsnetman to access the CLI as shown above.
  • Note that debug logs are stored at ~/.fsnetman/logs/fst.log. So you may use tail -f ~/.fsnetman/logs/fst.log | jq in a separate terminal to keep an eye on the logs.
  • Before making a commit run npm run format

E2E tests

  • In order to run E2E test, we need to set up cluster and install the chart.
  fsnetman init -d ../charts # use the charts directory
  fsnetman cluster create
  fsnetman cluster setup
  fsnetman chart install
  npm run test-e2e 



  • fullstack-network-manager-0.15.0.tgz

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