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capacitor-sunmi-uhf 2.0.0

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @kduma-autoid/capacitor-sunmi-uhf@2.0.0
Install via package.json:
"@kduma-autoid/capacitor-sunmi-uhf": "2.0.0"

About this version


Capacitor plugin for communication with Sunmi's UHF module SDK


npm install @kduma-autoid/capacitor-sunmi-uhf
npx cap sync

Add following entry to your android/settings.gradle file:

include ':sunmi-scanner-sdk'
project(':sunmi-scanner-sdk').projectDir = new File('../node_modules/@kduma-autoid/capacitor-sunmi-uhf/android/libs/sunmi-scanner-sdk')



getScanModel() => Promise<{ model: "UHF_R2000" | "INNER" | "NONE" | "UNKNOWN"; available: boolean; }>

Get RFID type


  • model - RFID type: UHF_R2000 - UHF R2000, INNER - Inner RFID, NONE - No RFID module, UNKNOWN - Unknown RFID module.
  • available - Whether the RFID module is available.

Returns: Promise<{ model: 'UHF_R2000' | 'INNER' | 'NONE' | 'UNKNOWN'; available: boolean; }>


startScanning(options?: { repeat_times?: number | undefined; } | undefined) => Promise<void>

Starts scanning inventory operation


  • options.repeat_times - The number of times the inventory to be repeated. If it is 0xFF, the time used in this inventory round is the shortest time. If there is only one tag in the RF area, the time used in this inventory round is 30-50mS. This parameter value is normally used when quickly polling with several antennas in a four-channel device.

Please note: When the parameter options.repeat_times is set as 255(0xFF), the algorithm specially designed for reading a small amount of tags will be enabled. It is more efficient and sensitive to read a small amount of tags. However, this parameter is not suitable to be used to simultaneously read a large amount of tags.

Param Type
options { repeat_times?: number; }


setTagReadCallback(callback: (data: { epc: string; pc: string; frequency: string; rrsi: string; antenna: number; last_updated: number; read_count: number; }) => void) => Promise<CallbackID>

Sets TagReadCallback

Param Type
callback (data: { epc: string; pc: string; frequency: string; rrsi: string; antenna: number; last_updated: number; read_count: number; }) => void

Returns: Promise<string>


clearTagReadCallback() => Promise<void>

Removes TagReadCallback


setInventoryScanCompletedCallback(callback: (data: { rate: number; tags_read: number; details: { start_time: number; end_time: number; }; }) => void) => Promise<CallbackID>

Sets InventoryScanCompletedCallback

Param Type
callback (data: { rate: number; tags_read: number; details: { start_time: number; end_time: number; }; }) => void

Returns: Promise<string>


clearInventoryScanCompletedCallback() => Promise<void>

Removes InventoryScanCompletedCallback


stopScanning() => Promise<void>

Stops scanning


readTag(options: { bank: "RESERVED" | "EPC" | "TID" | "USER"; address: number; length: number; password?: string; }) => Promise<{ crc: string; pc: string; epc: string; data: string; details: { data_length: number; antenna: number; tag_read_count: number; start_time: number; end_time: number; }; }>

Tag operation – read tags


  • - Tag memory bank: RESERVED - Reserved Memory, EPC - EPC Memory, TID - TID Memory, USER - User Memory.
  • options.address - The first word address of the data read. For the value range, please refer to tag specs.
  • options.length - The data length, word length or WORD (16 bits) length of the data read; For the value range, please refer to tag specs.
  • options.password - Tag access password. 4 bytes. If the tag does not have a password, this parameter is not required.

Please note: setAccessEpcMatch should be done first. Tags with the same EPC but different data read will be deemed as different tags.

Param Type
options { bank: 'RESERVED' | 'EPC' | 'TID' | 'USER'; address: number; length: number; password?: string; }

Returns: Promise<{ crc: string; pc: string; epc: string; data: string; details: { data_length: number; antenna: number; tag_read_count: number; start_time: number; end_time: number; }; }>


writeTag(options: { bank: "RESERVED" | "EPC" | "TID" | "USER"; address: number; data: string; password?: string; }) => Promise<{ crc: string; pc: string; epc: string; details: { antenna: number; tag_read_count: number; start_time: number; end_time: number; }; }>

Tag operation – write tags


  • - Tag memory bank: RESERVED - Reserved Memory, EPC - EPC Memory, TID - TID Memory, USER - User Memory.
  • options.address - The first word address of the data written. For the value range, please refer to tag specs; it usually starts from 02 if it was written into EPC memory bank, and PC + CRC are stored in the first four bytes of this area.
  • - The data written in Hex String Format.
  • options.password - Tag access password. 4 bytes. If the tag does not have a password, this parameter is not required.

Please note: setAccessEpcMatch should be done first. Tags with the same EPC but different data read will be deemed as different tags.

Param Type
options { bank: 'RESERVED' | 'EPC' | 'TID' | 'USER'; address: number; data: string; password?: string; }

Returns: Promise<{ crc: string; pc: string; epc: string; details: { antenna: number; tag_read_count: number; start_time: number; end_time: number; }; }>


lockTag(options: { bank: "USER" | "TID" | "EPC" | "ACCESS_PASSWORD" | "KILL_PASSWORD"; type: "OPEN" | "LOCK" | "PERM_OPEM" | "PERM_LOCK"; password: string; }) => Promise<{ crc: string; pc: string; epc: string; details: { antenna: number; tag_read_count: number; start_time: number; end_time: number; }; }>

Tag operation – lock tags


  • - Tag memory bank: USER - User Memory, TID - TID Memory, EPC - EPC Memory, ACCESS_PASSWORD - Access Password, KILL_PASSWORD - Kill Password.
  • options.type - The types of lock operation: OPEN - open, LOCK - lock, PERM_OPEM - permanently open, PERM_LOCK - permanently locked.
  • options.password - Tag access password. 4 bytes.

Please note: setAccessEpcMatch should be done first. Tags with the same EPC but different data read will be deemed as different tags.

Param Type
options { bank: 'EPC' | 'TID' | 'USER' | 'ACCESS_PASSWORD' | 'KILL_PASSWORD'; type: 'OPEN' | 'LOCK' | 'PERM_OPEM' | 'PERM_LOCK'; password: string; }

Returns: Promise<{ crc: string; pc: string; epc: string; details: { antenna: number; tag_read_count: number; start_time: number; end_time: number; }; }>


killTag(options: { password: string; }) => Promise<{ crc: string; pc: string; epc: string; details: { antenna: number; tag_read_count: number; start_time: number; end_time: number; }; }>

Tag operation – kill tags


  • options.password - Tag access password. 4 bytes.

Please note: setAccessEpcMatch should be done first. Tags with the same EPC but different data read will be deemed as different tags.

Param Type
options { password: string; }

Returns: Promise<{ crc: string; pc: string; epc: string; details: { antenna: number; tag_read_count: number; start_time: number; end_time: number; }; }>


setAccessEpcMatch(options: { epc: string; }) => Promise<{ details: { start_time: number; end_time: number; }; }>

Tag operation – set the matched EPC to be accessed (EPC match is valid until the next refresh)


  • options.epc - EPC number in Hex String Format.

Please note: Tags with the same EPC but different data read will be deemed as different tags.

Param Type
options { epc: string; }

Returns: Promise<{ details: { start_time: number; end_time: number; }; }>


cancelAccessEpcMatch() => Promise<{ details: { start_time: number; end_time: number; }; }>

Tag operation – clear the matched EPC to be accessed

Returns: Promise<{ details: { start_time: number; end_time: number; }; }>


getAccessEpcMatch() => Promise<{ epc_match: string; details: { start_time: number; end_time: number; }; }>

Tag operation – get EPC match

Returns: Promise<{ epc_match: string; details: { start_time: number; end_time: number; }; }>


setImpinjFastTid(options: { enable: boolean; save?: boolean; }) => Promise<{ details: { start_time: number; end_time: number; }; }>

Tag operation – set FastTID (only valid to some models of Impinj Monza tags)


  • options.enable - FastTID on or off status.
  • - Save the configuration into the internal Flash, which will prevent it from being lost due to an outage. Default is false.

Please note: This function is only effective to some models of Impinj Monza tags.

Please note: This function recognizes EPC and TID at the same time, thus drastically enhancing the efficiency of reading TID.

Please note: After turning on this function, tags of specific model will package TID into EPC during inventory. Therefore, the PC of a tag will be changed, and the original PC + EPC will become: the modified PC + EPC + (CRC of EPC) + TID.

Please note: If there is something goes wrong when recognizing a TID, the original PC + EPC will be uploaded. ★Please turn off this function if you do not need it to avoid unnecessary time used.

Param Type
options { enable: boolean; save?: boolean; }

Returns: Promise<{ details: { start_time: number; end_time: number; }; }>


getImpinjFastTid() => Promise<{ status: number; details: { start_time: number; end_time: number; }; }>

Tag operation – inquire FastTID

Returns: Promise<{ status: number; details: { start_time: number; end_time: number; }; }>

Type Aliases





  • capacitor-sunmi-uhf-2.0.0.tgz

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