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Directory and Search Engine for After Party Chat.

  • Ruby 2.0.0

  • Rails 4.1.6


Getting Rails set up

First, clone the repo:

git clone
cd apc-directory

If nokogiri gem complains during the bundle, use the following:

bundle config build.nokogiri --use-system-libraries
bundle install

If that doesn’t resolve the issue, try with:

sudo gem install nokogiri -v '' -- --use-system-libraries --with-xml2-include=/usr/include/libxml2 --with-xml2-lib=/usr/lib

ENV variables

Create an “.env” file on the root of the repo with following ENV vars and change if necessary:







Install Elasticsearch (ES)


brew install elasticsearch

Homebrew may ask you to install Java 1.7 before installing ES, in which case:

brew install Caskroom/cask/java

On Linux:

First run these shell commands to update your package manager and install elasticsearch:

wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -
echo 'deb stable main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elasticsearch.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install elasticsearch=1.4.4

Now, edit the elasticsearch.yml file:

sudo vi /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml

Uncomment the the key, so it looks like this: localhost

Save and exit elasticsearch.yml. Now you can run the elasticsearch server:

sudo /etc/init.d/elasticsearch start

NOTE: You will need to have Java installed in order to use elasticsearch

Database creation

First, you’ll have to create a db snapshot from the production app to download. From the app’s directory:

heroku pg:backups capture

You’ll get an identifier for the snapshot being created in the form of bXXX. You can monitor the status of the backup using

heroku pg:backups info bXXX

Once it’s ready, you can get a public link to download it using:

heroku pg:backups public-url bXXX

Start ProgreSQL server and create the db.

rake db:create

You’ll need to use the pg_restore utility to load the custom dump format file you just downloaded.

pg_restore -d rehab_reviews_directory_development dumpfile

Running the app

Start ProgreSQL server.

Launch ES

elasticsearch --config=/usr/local/opt/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml

If it’s the first time running the app, you’ll need to create indices before you can start querying. To do so, run:

curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/listings/' -d '
index :
    number_of_shards : 1
    number_of_replicas : 0

Note: Above settings (shards and replicas) have the recommended values for development environments.

Another option to create indices is to define the ‘action.auto_create_index’ to true in the ES config yml.

Finally, start the rails server

rails s

Git Workflow

In order to submit changes use feature branches which are branched off of staging. Name the prefix of your branch using one of these options:

  • feature

  • docs

  • bugfix

For example, a fix for a bug might be named “bugfix/correct-sort-order”, some new documentation be named “docs/git-workflow”, or a new feature on the site be named “feature/make-customer-happy”.

When new changes are ready, submit a pull request to staging from your new feature branch. Never self-merge pull requests; ping a team member to review and merge changes.

Once the PR is merged, pushed and fully tested on staging, feel free to open a pull request to master from staging (unless there is a team member designated to do that)


  • Create feature branch from staging

  • Commit changes to prefix/feature-branch-name

  • Submit PR into staging

    • Rebase changes from staging if needed

  • Team review of PR

  • Merge into staging

  • Push and test on staging environment

  • Submit PR into master from staging

  • Merge into master

This workflow is a slightly modified version of the “Github Flow”. You can learn more about it at


Install the Heroku Toolbelt (More info)

If you haven’t already, log in to your Heroku account and follow the prompts to create a new SSH public key.

heroku login

Add heroku’s remote

heroku git:remote -a rehabreviews

Deploy them to Heroku using Git.

git push heroku master

Importing Data

The Importable module holds some mappings that define how the data is assigned to certain categories and directories.

CATEGORY_MAP is used for categories with similar labels that are under the same concept, to avoid duplication. DIRECTORY_MAP is used to assign directory based on the category.



The straight-forward all-in-one implementation is through the following

rake import:execute[import_task,source_url,target_file:optional]

Currently available import tasks for specific data catalogs are: criminal_attorneys, npi, meetings and dui. The last param target_file is optional and will be inferred from source_url if not specified.

Internally, this rake task is just a wrapper of two rake tasks: import:download_csv and the task defined by import_task.


It’s used to fetch the source file from an external url and store it to disk (app’s tmp/ folder). Parameter target_file is optional and inferred from source_url if not specified.

rake import:download_csv[source_url, target_file:optional]

Data-specific tasks

These tasks mentioned earlier contain the specific mappings and rules to parse source’s custom schema into app’s schema. They implement the main import method csv_import which assumes the source file is on disk and receives 3 arguments.

Listing.csv_import(source_path, directory_name, options)

If directory_name is false or empty, the DIRECTORY_MAP will be used to determine the record’s directory based on category. If no matches are found, the record won’t be imported (Directory is mandatory).

The options argument is an object with following keys:

  • mapping: An object to indicate which columns in the source object will correspond to models’s attributes e.g. { ‘column_name’ => ‘attribute’, … } When 2 columns share the same name in the source, you can use ‘@N’ suffix to distinctively select one by its position. First column, N=0. There’s also a COLUMN_MAP for common/shared column mappings.

  • custom_atts: An object for overriding values for all records in the source, e.g. { ‘field_name’ => ‘value’, … }

The listing_type attribute is calculated automatically based on source’s presence of name or first_name + last_name attributes.


Listing.csv_import('path/to/source.csv', 'Criminal Attorney',
    mapping: {
        'Address@1'=>'address_1', # Using column index
         # Use of 'category' to indicate associated Category model name
        'Type of service'=>'category'
    # Force all records to be 'facility' type
    custom_atts: {'listing_type' => 'facility'}

Generating Sitemap

Run rake sitemap:refresh:no_ping to generate the sitemaps, which will be automatically uploaded to the S3 bucket defined by ENV. The sitemaps will be available at

The sitemap index is called sitemap.xml.gz while the rest of them are named after sitemap{N}.xml.gz where {N} is a sequential integer.


Repo for local.rehabreviews






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