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How to keep ory_kratos_continuity cookie through different domains? #2486

Answered by sebferrer
sebferrer asked this question in Q&A
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Edit: So we're gonna modify the ContinuityManager to check the RelayState in addition to the continuity cookie, for the SAML case.


Unfortunately no, the HTTP-Redirect binding isn't recommended at all in the context of a SAML response. It's not even supported by Crewjam (and almost nobody).

"Since the length of URLs is limited in practice, the HTTP Redirect binding is suitable for short messages, such as the samlp:AuthnRequest message. Longer messages (e.g. those containing signed or encrypted SAML assertions, such as SAML Responses) are usually transmitted via other bindings such as the HTTP POST Binding."

The most used bindi…

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Answer selected by sebferrer
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