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Stats about HTTP response security headers usage mentioned by the OSHP.


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OWASP Secure Headers Project statistics

Gather data

Update statistics MD file

Statistics about HTTP response security headers usage mentioned by the OWASP Secure Headers Project (OSHP).

See this issue for details.

📊 See the Statistics.

Data source

MAJESTIC was used instead of the CISCO Top 1 million sites CSV file because it contain less malware domains.

# Download the MAJESTIC Top 1 million sites CSV file
$ wget
# Transform the downloaded file to an input source that use the same format 
# than the CISCO Top 1 million sites CSV file
$ cat majestic_million.csv | awk -F  "," 'NR>1 {print $1 "," $3}' > data/input.csv
$ rm majestic_million.csv


They are all stored in the scripts folder and they are Python 3.x based.

The script oshp_headers contains the HTTP headers suggested by the OSHP project. It is a configuration material.

Visual Studio Code is used for the scripts development. A Visual Studio Code workspace file is provided for the project with recommended extensions.



They are all stored in the data folder.


  • input.csv: MAJESTIC Top 1 million sites list formated as one entry ranking,domain by line.
  • data.db: SQLITE database with information about HTTP security headers usage.

Data and statistics update

ℹ️ Only the first 150000 entries of the CSV datasource are used to fit the processing timeframe allowed for a github action workfows using the free tiers.

The update is scheduled in the following way via two dedicated github actions workfows:

  • The first day of every month the data database is updated.
  • The second day of every month the statistic file is updated:
    • The files input.csv, data.db and are attached to the build as artefacts. Therefore, it is possible to access to the statistics and its corresponding input data for dates in the past.
