Statistics about HTTP response security headers usage mentioned by the OWASP Secure Headers Project (OSHP).
See this issue for details.
📊 See the Statistics.
MAJESTIC was used instead of the CISCO Top 1 million sites CSV file because it contain less malware domains.
# Download the MAJESTIC Top 1 million sites CSV file
$ wget
# Transform the downloaded file to an input source that use the same format
# than the CISCO Top 1 million sites CSV file
$ cat majestic_million.csv | awk -F "," 'NR>1 {print $1 "," $3}' > data/input.csv
$ rm majestic_million.csv
They are all stored in the scripts folder and they are Python 3.x based.
The script oshp_headers contains the HTTP headers suggested by the OSHP project. It is a configuration material.
Visual Studio Code is used for the scripts development. A Visual Studio Code workspace file is provided for the project with recommended extensions.
- gather_data: Script gathering the information about HTTP security headers usage in a SQLITE database based on the "MAJESTIC Top 1 million sites CSV file" data source.
- generate_stats_md_file: Script using the gathered data to generate/update the markdown file stats, with mermaid pie charts with differents statistics about HTTP security headers usage.
They are all stored in the data folder.
- input.csv: MAJESTIC Top 1 million sites list formated as one entry
by line. - data.db: SQLITE database with information about HTTP security headers usage.
ℹ️ Only the first 150000 entries of the CSV datasource are used to fit the processing timeframe allowed for a github action workfows using the free tiers.
The update is scheduled in the following way via two dedicated github actions workfows:
- The first day of every month the data database is updated.
- The second day of every month the statistic file is updated:
- If other type of charts are need then the python API will be used (free part).
- DB Browser for SQLite can be used to access to the raw data of the SQLITE DB.