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Navigating Ground Vehicles in the SubT Challenge


In this post, we will add navigation capabilities to our solution.

By the end of this post, our ground vehicle will be capable of navigating to user-defined waypoint goals in the cave environment. With this waypoint navigation in place, it should be possible to build higher-level logic that allows to explore deep into the subterranean environment while coordinating between multiple robot platforms.

Overview of Navigation

Several components must be in place to successfully navigate through an unknown environment:

  • First we need to create and fill an occupancy grid with our sensor data. You can think of this occupancy grid as a simplified map that helps us keep track of explored space, new space, and walls. If you've ever used a minimap in a video game, it is very similar.
  • With our map in hand, we then create a path through the occupancy grid avoiding obstacles.
  • From this path, we generate wheel velocity commands to control the robot along the computed path.
  • Finally, we create systems to avoid dynamic obstacles and recover from adverse situations.

Fortunately, the ROS Navigation Stack implements most of this functionality and is fairly easy to incorporate into our ground-based robot platforms. For most of this blog post, we'll follow the steps outlined in the navigation robot setup tutorial.



The move_base package in the navigation stack uses two levels of planning: global and local. Each of these planners has its own costmap to track the state of the environment around the robot. The global costmap is typically larger than the local costmap and tracks space on a longer horizon, while the local costmap is typically smaller, updates more frequently, and may be higher resolution than the global costmap.

Since Cartographer (from the SLAM blog post) set up our robot's coordinate frames, we can jump straight into configuring the costmap parameters. To configure the costmaps, we use three configuration files found in subt_solution_launch/config/move_base/: costmap_common.yaml, costmap_local.yaml, and costmap_global.yaml.

A few notes:

  • We will use the robot's LIDAR sensor to populate the data in the costmaps.
  • The global costmap's coordinate frame (defined in costmap_global.yaml) is X1/map, which means that global path planning will occur in the map frame (provided by Cartographer from our previous blog post).
  • The local costmap's coordinate frame (defined in costmap_local.yaml) is X1/odom, which means that local path planning will occur in the odometry frame of the robot (this is also provided by Cartographer).
  • The vehicle footprint in costmap_common.yaml needs to match the shape and size of the robot platform being used (in this case, we define a rectangular footprint). This footprint is what allows the navigation stack to plan collision-free routes.

We can verify that the costmaps are appropriately loaded into the navigation stack by taking a look at subt_solution_launch/launch/navigation.launch. Inside this launch file you see that the common parameters are loaded in two different namespaces (local_costmap and global_costmap) because the parameters in costmap_common.yaml are used by both the local and global costmaps.

<node pkg="move_base" type="move_base" respawn="false" name="move_base">


  <rosparam file="$(find subt_solution_launch)/config/move_base/costmap_common.yaml" command="load" ns="global_costmap" />
  <rosparam file="$(find subt_solution_launch)/config/move_base/costmap_common.yaml" command="load" ns="local_costmap" />
  <rosparam file="$(find subt_solution_launch)/config/move_base/costmap_local.yaml" command="load" ns="local_costmap" />
  <rosparam file="$(find subt_solution_launch)/config/move_base/costmap_global.yaml" command="load" ns="global_costmap" />

Another way to verify that the costmaps are appropriately configured is by running navigation.launch and adding the correct displays in RViz. To enable the costmaps in RViz, simply check the top level box in displays.

# Start a simulator
$ cd ~/subt_hello_world/docker/simulation_runner
$ ./run.bash osrf/subt-virtual-testbed:latest cave_circuit.ign worldName:=cave_qual robotName1:=X1 robotConfig1:=COSTAR_HUSKY_SENSOR_CONFIG_1

# Run the navigation stack in a solution container
$ cd ~/subt_hello_world/docker
$ ./run_dev_container.bash ~/subt_hello_world/subt_solution_launch
$ source ~/setup_solution_ws.bash
$ roslaunch subt_solution_launch navigation.launch name:=X1

# In another docker shell, start RViz
$ cd ~/subt_hello_world/docker
$ ./join.bash
$ rviz

You can add the costmap displays to RViz as shown here.

Costmap visualization in RViz

An example RViz setup with the local and global costmaps from move_base. There's a wall close to the robot, which has been captured in the costmaps.


Since we have verified that the costmaps are functional, we can now work on configuring the local and global planners. For the local planner, it's best to start with the dwa_local_planner from the navigation stack.

There are many parameters for the dwa_local_planner, but most are exposed as dynamic_reconfigure parameters, which allows them to be tuned over the course of a run. It is recommended to set starting parameters, then use dynamic_reconfigure to tune while move_base is running. You can run a graphical interface for dynamic_reconfigure with the following command:

$ rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure

If you still have the launch file running from the costmaps section, you should be able to see the DWA planner in the reconfigure GUI:

DWA planner in dynamic_reconfigure

Some of the dynamically reconfigurable parameters for DWAPlannerROS.

The configuration parameters that come with this blog post are a reasonable starting point, but are not optimal. For more guidance on parameter tuning, we recommend taking a look at the ROS Navigation Tuning Guide. You can come back to this step to tune the parameters after sending a navigation goal (the last step in this post).

Limitations of move_base

One of the big limitations of move_base is that it was primarily developed for structured 2D environments such as office buildings or warehouses. The move_base package typically assumes that a robot is on a plane and will only move in the X and Y directions and rotate about the Z axis (yaw). It also assumes obstacles are within a certain height of the robot's XY navigation plane. These assumptions can cause issues when navigating through a 3D environment with uneven terrain and slopes (like a cave). Underground environments also have unique shapes, verticality, and can span multiple stories.

If you attempt to use move_base in the cave worlds without adjustments, the robot will get stuck quickly and be unable to navigate because move_base perceives slopes as obstacles.

Addressing the 2D Assumption

In order to use move_base in a complex environment, we wrote two new nodes to:

  • "Flatten" the base_link frame into a fake frame. This is accomplished by removing the roll, pitch, and z channels from the original base_link coordinate frame. The move_base package can use the new fake frame to determine the location of the robot with only the 2D components. The 2D frame is necessary because move_base only considers obstacles within 2m height from the origin of its 2D costmap. Now, if the robot goes up or down a hill, the obstacles seen by the robot will be interpreted as within the 2m height range in the costmap.
  • Filter the point cloud to differentiate between sloped terrain and obstacles in a 3D environment.

The first node is straightforward, as it simply takes in a pose and strips off the rotation information. An example implementation can be found in: subt_solution_launch/src/base_link_costmap_projector.cpp.

The second node (subt_solution_launch/src/pc_filter.cpp) has some more involved filtering of the point cloud. The goal of this node is to discern between traversable areas and obstacles or areas too steep for the robot to traverse. In this filter_pc method, the following happens:

  1. The point cloud is transformed from the original sensor frame to the fake flattened sensor frame.
  2. For each point in the point cloud, an approximation of slope is computed by looking at neighboring points.
  3. Points that have a slope above the threshold are incorporated into a new point cloud that denotes obstacles.
  4. The filtered point cloud is sent to move_base.

This filter handles some types of terrain present in the cave environments. You can replace this with more advanced filtering and traversability analysis techniques. The PointCloud Library and grid_map are helpful resources.

Putting it all together

subt_solution_launch/launch/navigation.launch represents all of the functionality described in this blog post combined as a launch file.

With this, we can now send the robot simple navigation commands either via the command line, another node, or most easily with RViz.

You should already have the simulator, launch file, and rviz running from the costmap section of this tutorial (if not, please take a second to restart these components). The publish_pose tool in RViz allows for navigation goals to be set and sent to move_base. Before we use this tool, we need to make sure that the 2D Nav Goal topic in RViz is correct. Go to panels->tool properties, and set the 2D Nav Goal topic to /X1/move_base_simple/goal as shown here:

Setting the 2D Nav Goal topic in RViz

We can also add a few displays to visualize the paths generated by the local and global planners, along with the current navigation goal:

Displaying the planners and current nav goal in RViz

Now that we have everything configured, let's send a navigation goal to the robot! Select 2D Nav Goal from the top bar menu, and place a goal in an obstacle-free location close by. You should see the robot start to move along the generated path, with the costmaps updating real-time:

A robot moving towards a nav goal in RViz

A robot moving towards a navigation goal in RViz. The black curve represents the local plan, while the green curve represents the global plan.

Conclusion and Next Steps

You now have a robot that can perform local navigation through a 3D environment. While this technique allows the robot to plan paths, it certainly has limitations, and a good next step is to search for alternatives or continue refine the parameters and filtering strategies to improve the robot's capabilities. You can also check out this tutorial to learn how to send waypoints programmatically instead of manually through RViz. This can be used to expand the robot's navigation into a fully autonomous solution.

Our next post will show you how to communicate between two different robots in the same environment, so you can move towards multi-robot coordination.