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The entity types used by the packard audio file management suite. Model objects are for properties and business logic only; persistence logic lives in the DAOs, and workflows live in the packard scanner, cache, and CLI. These should stay pretty simple.


Tracks are the most important type in the model. Everything that makes sounds has its metadata associated with a Track. As such, there's a lot of default behavior associated with Tracks, which is intended to make it easy to work with them.


  • name: The track name.
  • album: The Album on which the track appears.
  • artist: The Artist who made the track.
  • file: The AudioFile containing the actual audio for the track.
  • index: The track index on the original album.
  • disc: On which disc (of a multi-disc set) the track appeared.
  • date: Release date for the track.
  • duration: Duration of the track, in seconds. Can include fractions of a second. May eventually be replaced with a time type that can handle CDDA frames or other frame / sample lengths.
  • flacTags: Metadata tags from an Ogg Vorbis container for FLAC audio. Will probably be generalized to audio file tags, or a dedicated class for abstracting away the various conventions for naming tags.
  • musicbrainzTags: Musicbrainz metadata. Will probably be abstracted out into a parallel set of classes for MB metadata.
  • sourceArchive: The Archive that originally contained this Track.
  • fsTrack: Another Track populated with metadata derived from the name and location of the track on the filesystem.
  • fsAlbum: An Album populated with metadata derived from the name and location of the album on the filesystem.
  • fsArtist: An Artist populated with metadata derived from the name and location of the artist on the filesystem.

new Track([name, album, artist, optional])

  • name: The track name. Defaults to '[untitled]'.
  • album: The album on which the track appears. Defaults to an album named '[untitled]'.
  • artist: The artist who made the track. Defaults to an artist named '[unknown]'.
  • optional.file: An object representing the underlying file.
  • optional.path and optional.stats: The elements necessary for the constructor to create the AudioFile for you. If you want to use this, both must be included.
  • optional.ext
  • optional.index: The track index on the original album. Defaults to 0.
  • optional.disc: On which disc (of a multi-disc set) the track appeared. Defaults to 0.
  • Release date for the track.
  • optional.duration: Duration of the track, in seconds. Can include fractions of a second.
  • optional.flacTags: Metadata tags from an Ogg Vorbis container for FLAC audio.
  • optional.musicbrainzTags: Musicbrainz metadata.
  • optional.sourceArchive: The Archive that originally contained this Track.
  • optional.fsTrack: Another Track populated with metadata derived from the name and location of the track on the filesystem.
  • optional.fsAlbum: An Album populated with metadata derived from the name and location of the album on the filesystem.
  • optional.fsArtist: An Artist populated with metadata derived from the name and location of the artist on the filesystem.


Return the total size, in blocks (with block size specified by bs), of the track.


The canonical name format for the track, including (if set) the track number. Should probably also include the disc number in there somewhere.


A filesystem-safe version of the track name.


Album is meant to be used as an abstract basis for the two kinds of albums that can be found on a file system: collections of tracks, and single-track albums (for more on those, read on).


  • name: The name of the album.
  • artist: An object representing the album artist. For now, the only property of the artist that the Album cares about is its name.
  • path: The directory or file containing the album. Defaults to the empty string.
  • date: The album's release date. Defaults to null.
  • pictures: Any images associated with the album (probably Covers).

new Album(name, artist[, optional])

  • name: The name of the album.
  • artist: An object representing the album artist. For now, the only property of the artist that the Album cares about is its name.
  • optional.path: The directory or file containing the album.
  • The album's release date.
  • Any images associated with the album.


Always returns 0. Abstract albums take up no space.


Returns date. Used by album.toSafePath(), so override this when subclassing Album if there's a different way to figure out the album date (for an example, see MultitrackAlbum).


Return a filesystem-safe full path (including the artist name) for the album, including the date (if it's set).

Album > SingletrackAlbum

A SingletrackAlbum is probably a continuous DJ mix or full-album rip of some kind. It may have associated cover art, and it may also have either an associated or embedded cue sheet with metadata about the set of tracks contained within the single file. It's meant to be tied to an AudioFile.

Additional properties:

  • file: The physical AudioFile associated with this logical album.
  • cuesheet: A Cuesheet.

new SingletrackAlbum(name, artist[, optional])

Same as new Album(), but with these additional properties:

  • optional.file: An object representing the underlying file.
  • optional.path and optional.stats: The elements necessary for the constructor to create the AudioFile for you. If you want to use this, both must be included.
  • optional.cuesheet: A Cuesheet.


Return the total size, in blocks (with block size specified by bs), of the file associated with the track underlying the album.


Produce a human-readable representation of the metadata associated with the album.


A filesystem scanner will find and read data from a single-track album (potentially even parsing out its cuesheet). This is a utility method to turn that Track into a SingletrackAlbum, reusing the same underlying AudioFile. Because filesystem scanners presume an Artist/Album/Track.type hierarchy, the tracks representing single-track albums typically end up with the artist name in the album name's slot, so .fromTrack() fixes that up.

Album > MultitrackAlbum

A MultitrackAlbum bundles a set of Tracks into a single logical album, with associated cover art, and potentially source and destination paths for the archive from which the associated tracks were extracted.

Additional properties:

  • tracks: A list of Tracks, sorted by index and name.
  • sourceArchive: The original location of the archive from which the Tracks comprising the album were extracted.
  • destArchive: The location to which the archive should be moved.

new MultitrackAlbum(name, artist[, optional])

Same as new Album(), but with these additional properties:

  • optional.tracks: An array of Tracks.


Return the total size, in blocks (with block size specified by bs), of all of the tracks and pictures associated with the album.


Builds a set from all of the dates found on Tracks for this release. Warns if more than one date is found, and then chooses one of them arbitrarily.


Produce a human-readable representation of the metadata associated with the album.


An Artist is mostly a convenient container from which to hang a collection of albums and miscellaneous tracks, mostly useful for calculating the amount of space used by that Artist's material.


  • name: The name of the artist.
  • albums: Albums associated with this artist.
  • otherTracks: Loose tracks associated with this artist.

new Artist(name[, optional])

  • name: The name of the artist.
  • optional.albums: Albums associated with this artist. Associating albums sets their artist to this artist.
  • optional.otherTracks: Loose tracks associated with this artist. Associating tracks sets their artist to this artist.


Concatenate a list of tracks with the existing list of other tracks, ensuring that their artists are set to this artist.


Return the total size, in blocks (with block size specified by bs), of all the albums and tracks associated with the artist.


File is meant to be used as a base for anything that lives on the file system and has filesystem metadata associated with it.


  • path: Where the file is located.
  • stats: The results of a call to fs.stat(), or something that has enough of that info with the correct names to be useful. Currently, the only thing File itself needs is size.
  • ext: To simplify creating new files, or to do type discrimination on files that already exist. Defaults at creation time to path.extname() called on path.
  • name: The base name of the file, unless the ext passed to the constructor differs from the extension on path.

new File(path, stats[, extension])

  • path: Where the file is located.
  • stats: The results of a call to fs.stat(), or something that has enough of that info with the correct names to be useful. Currently, the only thing File itself needs is size.
  • extension: To simplify creating new files, or to do type discrimination on files that already exist.


override A file's path.


Scrubs characters that aren't filesystem-safe from name. This list is probably more stringent than it needs to be for modern HFS+, NTFS, or ext[234], but FAT32 is pretty common for audio players, so err on the side of caution.


The size of the file.

  • blockSize: Since the ultimate purpose of packard is to figure out how to get the most audio files onto a storage medium, it's helpful for it to be able to get the size of files in terms of the integer number of blocks the file will occupy on that particular medium. For the same reason, it rounds up.

File > Cover

A Cover is a picture associated with an album.

Additional properties:

  • format: How the image is encoded. Right now, extracted at creation time from the file's extension.

new Cover(path, stats)

Same as File, except without the extension, which Cover always calculates from the extension, and uses to set format.

File > Archive

Archives are Files that contain one or more audio files and other associated assets. They also typically have metadata (tables of contents, internal block sizes, stream types) extracted from the files by e.g. compressed stream readers.

Additional properties:

  • info: Additional archive-related metadata.

new Archive(path, stats[, info])

Same as new File(), except an optional object literal containing metadata specific to Archive instead of the extension.

File > Cuesheet

A Cuesheet should eventually be able to produce a MultitrackAlbum from its own metadata, but for now, it's just a type of file ("type" being the key word, as the type of Cuesheet objects is used by the packard scanner).

new Cuesheet(path, stats)

Same as new File(), except the extension is always deduced from the filename.


The entity types used by the packard audio file management suite.






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