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File metadata and controls

107 lines (67 loc) · 3.2 KB

======================== django-progressbarupload

django-progressbarupload is a simple Django application that instantiates an HTML5 upload progress bar when the user submit a form with files (a form having basically FileField(s) and/or ImageField(s), and an enctype="multipart/form-data").


Quick start

Requirements :

  • Django 1.4.3 (tested).
  • django.contrib.staticfiles app to serve static files
  1. Install the app

    pypi version

    pip install django-progressbarupload

    development version

    pip install -e git+
  2. Add progressbarupload to your INSTALLED_APPS in your settings

    INSTALLED_APPS += ('progressbarupload', )
  3. Add "progressbarupload.uploadhandler.ProgressBarUploadHandler" to your FILE_UPLOAD_HANDLERS setting

  4. Include the progressbarupload URLconf in your project

    (r'^progressbarupload/', include('progressbarupload.urls')),



Set the change_form_template and add_form_template attributes in your ModelAdmin to 'progressbarupload/change_form.html'.

from django.contrib import admin
from my_awesome_app.models import MyAwesomeModelWithFiles

class MyAwesomeModelWithFiles(admin.ModelAdmin):
    change_form_template = 'progressbarupload/change_form.html'
    add_form_template = 'progressbarupload/change_form.html', UploadFileModelAdmin)

Form and ModelForm

To use a progress bar in your custom ModelForm or Form, load the progress_bar template tag set {% load progress_bar %} in the template, and use the following template tags {% progress_bar_media %} between tags to load javascript files and {% progress_bar %} where you and to display the progress bar.

{% load progress_bar %}

<!DOCTYPE html>
    {% progress_bar_media %}

  <form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action=".">
     {% csrf_token %}
     {{ form }}
     {% progress_bar %}
     <input type="submit" />

Further information

Make sure your browser renders HTML5 <progress> tag and uses data-* attribute (IE>10, FF>6.0, Chrome>8.0, Opera>11.0).

As Django has a unique TemporaryFileUploadHandler for all request.FILES. For ModelAdmin, if you have related models, using TabularInline, the upload progress will also be shown in the admin add/change form as soon as you use the right templates in your ModelAdmin (and even if your ModelAdmin doesn't contain any file upload).

Custom TemporaryFileUploadHandler copied from