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Outerminds edited this page Feb 9, 2019 · 12 revisions



A controller is a wrapper around a execution node. It analyses, builds, executes and manages the state of its node based on each execution phase.


using System;
using Entia;
using Entia.Core;
using Entia.Modules;
using Entia.Nodes;
using Entia.Phases;
using Entia.Systems;
using static Entia.Nodes.Node;

public static class Game
    public static readonly Node Node = Sequence(

    public static void Run()
        var world = new World();
        var controllers = world.Controllers();
        var resources = world.Resources();

        // 'Control' returns a 'Result<T>' so the success case has to be extracted.
        // When a controller is contructed with a 'Parallel' node, thread safety 
        // analysis will run and may detect data races causing the construction 
        // to fail, reporting error messages in the failure.
        var result = controllers.Control(Node);
        if (Result.TryValue(result, out var controller))
            // This resource will allow the application to close.
            ref var game = ref resources.Get<Resources.Game>();

            // Execution phases can be ordered as desired but the order below
            // highly recommended.
            // Any additional execution phase can be inserted among these.
            // Alternatively 'controller.Run(in game.Quit)' can be used as a 
            // shorthand if the execution routine doesn't need to be modified.

            // Executes all 'IInitialize' systems.
            // Registers all 'IReact<T>' systems to their 'Reaction<T>'.

            while (!game.Quit)
                // Executes all 'IRun' systems.

            // Unregisters all 'IReact<T>' systems from their 'Reaction<T>'.
            // Executes all 'IDispose' systems.
        // If the result has error messages, log them to the console.
        else if (Result.TryMessages(result, out var messages))
            foreach (var message in messages) Console.WriteLine(message);

namespace Resources
    public struct Game : IResource { public bool Quit; }

namespace Systems
    public struct Motion : IRun
        public void Run() { /* TODO */ }

    public struct Input : IRun
        public void Run() { /* TODO */ }

    public struct Health : IRun
        public void Run() { /* TODO */ }
