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Magicolo edited this page Jan 31, 2019 · 12 revisions



An injectable is an encapsulation of a subset of the world operations that can guarantee a certain usage of those operations. They are automatically injected in a system's public fields and are used for thread safety analysis. Using the most specific injectables in systems, allows thread safety analysis to be most useful to prevent data races.


using Entia;
using Entia.Injectables;
using Entia.Queryables;
using Entia.Systems;

namespace Components
    public struct Invincibility : IComponent { public float Time; }
    public struct Health : IComponent { public float Current, Maximum; }

namespace Messages
    public struct DoDamage : IMessage { public float Amount; }
    public struct OnDeath : IMessage { }

namespace Resources
    public struct Game : IResource
        public bool WillQuit;
        public bool IsPaused;

namespace Systems
    // A system that is not registered to any execution system interface.
    public struct Kill : ISystem
        // There are many implemented injectables. These are some of them.
        // See the 'Entia.Injectables' namespace to discover all of them.
        public readonly Components<Components.Health> Healths;
        // Notice that more specific injectables may be nested inside a more 
        // general one.
        public readonly Components<Components.Invincibility>.Read Invincibilities;
        public readonly Receiver<Messages.DoDamage> DoDamage;
        public readonly Emitter<Messages.OnDeath> OnDeath;
        public readonly Resource<Resources.Game>.Read Game;
        public readonly Group<Read<Components.Health>> Group;
        // The world is a valid injectable but will prevent thread safety analysis
        // since is statically unpredictable.
        public readonly World World;


It is possible to define how an injectable should be constructed by specifying a default implementation of an Injector<T> and linking it using the generic interface IInjectable<T>.

using System.Reflection;
using Entia;
using Entia.Core;
using Entia.Injectables;
using Entia.Injectors;
using Entia.Modules;

namespace Injectables
    // An injectable that gives only access to destroy operations.
    public readonly struct Destroyer : IInjectable<Injectors.Destroyer>
        readonly Entities _entities;

        public Destroyer(Entities entities) { _entities = entities; }

        public bool Destroy(Entity entity) => _entities.Destroy(entity);
        public bool DestroyAll() => _entities.Clear();

namespace Injectors
    public sealed class Destroyer : Injector<Injectables.Destroyer>
        public override Result<Injectables.Destroyer> Inject(
            MemberInfo member,
            World world) =>
            new Injectables.Destroyer(world.Entities());
