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Cube Simulators

It's designed to be a collection of different type of cube puzzles for speed cubing via keyboard. It's based on JOGL, which is a java binding for OpenGL.

As of now, only NxNxN cubes (to be accurate, 2x2x2 up to 27x27x27) are supported.

A timer has been added which runs as the WCA regulation. You have 15 seconds to inspect the cube after scrambling, and after that you would get a +2 penalty. If the timer goes over 17 seoconds, you would get a DNF.

You can choose to do speed solving or blindfolded solving in the menu.

How to run it

There are several ways to run this game.

###Option 1: Use Eclipse

  1. First, import/new a project from this folder.
  2. Run oyyq.cube.simulator.Main class as an application.
  3. Enjoy!

###Option 2: Use jdk by itself

  1. Make sure that the gluegen-rt.jar, jogl-all.jar and CubeCalculator.jar are in the build path.
  2. Make sure that the native libs for your platform are in the same folder of gluten-rt.jar and jogl-all.jar, respectively.
  3. Build and run oyyq.cube.simulator.Main.
  4. Enjoy!

Key Map

The key map is almost the same as the default of, as in the list and table below. Note that changing cube size has been moved to menu items with shortcuts which can still be accessed by keyboard.

  • Esc -> Reset the cube. When solving, give up and get a DNF.
  • - -> Decrease the cube size.(Moved to Menu, use Ctrl/Command + - instead.)
  • + or = -> Increase the cube size.(Moved to Menu, use Ctrl/Command + = instead.)
  • Space -> Scramble the cube when it's not scrambled, and reset shifts when solving.
All Of The Keys That Are Used In The Simulator
1 2 3 -> left shift outwards 4(left shift inwards) 5 6 7(right shift inwards) 8(right shift outwards) 9 0
q(z') w(B) e(L') r(Lw') t(x) y(x) u(Rw) i(R) o(B') p(z)
a(y') s(D) d(L) f(U') g(F') h(F) j(U) k(R') l(D') ;(y)
z x(Dw) c(Uw') v(Lw) b(x') n(x') m(Rw') ,(Uw) .(Dw') /

Menu Shortcuts

  • Ctrl/Command + B -> toggle blindfolded mode.
  • Ctrl/Command + N (N from 2 to 9) -> switch to NxNxN
  • Ctrl/Command + -/= -> decrease/increase cube size

Known Issues

  • The window size could be minimized when start up. It's rare, but happens.

To Do List

  • Timer
  • Menu and settings
  • NxMxP Cuboid
  • Megaminx
  • Pyraminx
  • Square-1
  • Skewb
  • Solver (Probably)
  • Replay (Maybe)

Q & A

Q: When I'm trying to run it, it crashes and the console complains that it can't load library what the hell is this.

A: Make sure that gluegen-rt-natives-{your os}-{your os arch}.jar and jogl-all-natives-{your os}-{your os arch}.jar is in the classpath. For 32-bit systems the arch is normally i586, and for 64-bit systems it's usually amd64.

Q: I found a bug! When I just make a few moves from the initial state, And I just solve it (or reverse those moves), the timer just keeps silent!

A: It's DESIGNED to be. It will only time when you actually solved a cube which is scrambled by the game. :)

Q: Oh I can't turn the cube!

A: When you have finished a solve or get a DNF, you are not able to turn the cube until you reset it or scramble it again.


I referenced to this project a lot, most part of OpenGL drawing are from that, thanks to @xargsgrep a lot!


a simulator for speed cubing via keyboard






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