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<title>64tass v1.53 r1515 reference manual</title>
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<meta name="Description" content="64tass, an advanced multi pass macro assembler for the 65xx family of microprocessors">
<meta name="Keywords" content="6502 assembler, 65816, 6510, 65C02, dtv, c64 cross assembler">
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<h1>MLA V1 reference manual</h1>

<p>This is the manual for Mid Level Assembley - the not quite C but still higher level while giving low level control Assembley. Designed to extend 64tass</p>
<h2>Table of Contents<a name="contents" href="#contents"></a></h2>

<div id="toc">
 <li><a href="#contents">Table of Contents</a></li>
 <li><a href="#assgins">Immediate assign</a></li>
 <li><a href="#if">Ifs</a></li>
 <li><a href="#maths">Maths</a></li>

 <h2>Immediate assign<a name="Immediate assign" href="#assgins"></a></h2>
 <p>You can use MLA to auto set and outline assigns. It will auto look up and optimise assignement groups. The order in which assignents are made is random each build</p>
 <pre width=80>
 !!Destination = Source
<p>There are some special Souce tags to help with optimisations</p>
    <li><code>POS</code> - this will choose any other positive value, if none is found 0 is used</li>
    <li><code>NEG</code> - this will choose any other negative value, if none is found 128 is used</li>
    <li><code>NOTZERO</code> - this will choose any other value that is not zero, if none if found 1 is used</li>
<pre width=80>
    !!Test = #5
    !!Test2,x = Other,y
    !!Pos = POS
    !!Neg = NEG
    !!Something = NOTZERO
    !!Other = POS
<p>will generatre for example</p>
<pre width=80>
	lda #128
	sta Neg
	lda #5
	sta Test
	sta Pos
	sta Something
	lda Other,y
	sta Test2,x
	lda #0
	sta Other
<h3>Word Assignments</h3>
<p><code>w=</code> is used to copy or assign words</p>
<pre width=80>
        !!Test w= #5000
        !!Test2,x w= Other,y
    </pre> becomes <pre width=80>
        lda #>5000
        sta Test+1
        lda Other,y
        sta Test2,x
        lda #&lt;5000
        sta Test
        lda Other+1,y
        sta Test2+1,x</pre>
<h3>Run optimisations</h3>
<p>The code will detect if numbers or values form a "run" so if you do</p>
<pre width=80>
    !!Test = #5
    !!Test2 = #6
<p>you will get something like</p>
<pre width=80>
    ldx #5
    stx Test
    stx Test2</pre>

<h2>Ifs<a name="Ifs" href="#if"></a></h2>
<h3>If then</h3>
<pre width=80>
    !!if XX &lt; XX then dest
    !!if XX &lt;= XX then dest
    !!if XX == XX then dest
    !!if XX > XX then dest
    !!if XX >= XX then dest
    !!if XX != XX then dest
</pre><p>This will subsitute for a load, cmp, branch. If the branch can be optimised, for example >128 to bmi it will be. Also if you do > constant it will make it >= constant + 1</p>
<pre width=80>
    !!if XX =- then dest
    !!if XX =+ then dest
    !!if XX =0 then dest
    !!if XX !0 then dest
</pre><p>these are direct compare function, =- is negative, =+ is positive, =0 is beq, !0 is bne</p>
<div><table border="0">
        <caption>Choosing register</caption>
        <tr><td><code>!!if</code></td><td>this will use a or bit if applicable</td></tr>
        <tr><td><code>!!ifa</code></td><td>this will use a and never bit</td></tr>
        <tr><td><code>!!ifx</code></td><td>this will use x</td></tr>
        <tr><td><code>!!ify</code></td><td>this will use y</td></tr>
<h3>If bit</h3>     
<pre width=80>
    !!if XX bit XX then dest - beq
    !!if not XX bit XX then dest - bne</pre>
    <p>This will do a lda and and then beq or bne based upon the not status. However if you are compraing against #$80 or #$40 and you are using an address mode that bit supports, the code will be optimised to use bit bpl/bmi or bit bvs/bvc as applicable</p>

    <h2>Maths<a name="Maths" href="#maths"></a></h2>
    <pre width=80>!!XX [operator] YY</pre>
    <div><table border="0">
            <tr><td><code>+=</code></td><td>8bits += 8bits</td></tr>
            <tr><td><code>-=</code></td><td>8bits -= 8bits</td></tr>
            <tr><td><code>&lt;&lt;=</code></td><td>8bits asl a * YY</td></tr>
            <tr><td><code>&gt;&gt;=</code></td><td>8bits lsr a * YY</td></tr>
            <tr><td><code>|=</code></td><td>8bits or</td></tr>
            <tr><td><code>&amp;=</code></td><td>8bits and</td></tr>
            <tr><td><code>^=</code></td><td>8bits eor</td></tr>
            <pre width=80>!!XX [operator] YY, ZZ</pre>
    <div><table border="0">
            <caption>compound operations</caption>
    <tr><td><code>&amp;!=</code></td><td>8bits and YY 8bits or ZZ</td></tr>


Mid Level Assembler for 6502






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