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Sprint 1 User Stories

Nicholas LaBelle edited this page Oct 7, 2019 · 4 revisions

Evan Vander Hoeven

Hours: 2

Acceptance Criteria:

  • there is a .gitignore
  • the app can be built and run on a tablet, even if the app does nothing

Hours: 1

Acceptance criteria:

  • All of the user stories for the first sprint are listed
  • All of the user stories for the first sprint are grouped by developer
  • All of the user stories have their acceptance criteria listed.

Hours: 13

Acceptance criteria:

  • have a list of relevant laws documented in the wiki
  • the documentation must include links to the laws, if applicable.
  • the research must include countries other than the united states.
    • country related research must create a whitelist of countries where this app can be released.
    • the whitelist must research applicability in the United States, Canada, and the European Union
  • the documentation must consider if not include a terms of service and a privacy policy

Hours: 21

Acceptance criteria:

  • documentation on the wiki, including links to sources, must be written
  • the documentation must include:
    • how to interact with wi-fi direct
    • the limitations of wi-fi direct
    • any device / hardware limitations
    • data formats for communication
  • a minimum viable prototype, demonstrating that we can send signals peer to peer, between two devices.

Nicholas La Belle

Hours: 21

Acceptance criteria:

  • a wiki page describing a android standard chat system, if any, including links to the original documentation
  • the documentation shall include any relevant data models used by chat applications, and list pros and cons for each type of data model
  • the documentation shall include user experience design flaws encountered in other popular chat applications, so that we can avoid potential pitfalls

Hours: 13

Acceptance criteria:

  • have a list of potential applications we can integrate with, elaborating on how we would integrate with each
  • a page is in the wiki describing how we can integrate our app with the android OS, including links to the documentation where the research was gathered.

Nick Zolondek

Hours: 8

Acceptance Criteria:

  • the entire group has weighed in on the design and agrees
  • the design has a consistent look and feel
  • the design encompasses the entire known scope of the app
  • The design prototype must either be placed in the wiki, or a file format must be included in a separate branch where anyone can see it.

Hours: 2

Acceptance Criteria:

  • There is a page on the repository wiki with a style guide
  • All style criteria are agreed upon by members of the project

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Everyone needs to agree on design.
  • When app is built through Android Studio the app's default icon should be replaced with the new icon

Hours: 21 acceptance criteria:

  • a linter configuration file is added to the android studio project, and can be added to each member's project
  • the linter shall enforce inline code documentation
  • the linter shall enforce all code styles on our wiki
  • the assignee must demonstrate that the linter is able to catch mistakes by creating a temporary bad file to show that the linter works. (This bad file must be deleted before merging with master)

Austin Scott

Hours: 2

Acceptance Criteria

  • A framework which accommodates the requirements of the Software Engineering Practicum course is in place
  • the github respository has tools which will enable us to rapidly create new user stores / issues as they are discovered
  • a series of custom labels are created, which include a description, and are understood by the entire group

Hours: 21

Acceptance Criteria:

  • documentation must include how to write a test, including style standards
  • links to the original documentation must be included in the wiki
  • any tools, extensions, or dependencies needed for the testing framework shall be installed into Android Studio, or a guide detailing how to install them must be written.
  • a demonstration test must be written proving that the testing framework is working

Hours: 8

Acceptance Criteria:

  • The app must be able to generate a identifier that is universally unique.
  • The generation must not only be based on system time.
  • Unit tests must be written for all functions that can be tested.
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