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Sprint 4 User Stories

zolondekn9689 edited this page Nov 13, 2019 · 1 revision

Nicholas LaBelle

As a Designer, I need to fix the message fragment, so that left right message design is enforced.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Received messages show up on the left.
  • Sent messages show up on the right.
  • Visually verified during pre-existing expresso tests
  • 3 hours

As a Developer, I need Navigation between the Home Fragment and Chat Fragment to be testable and fixed, so that I can navigate successfully between Home and Chat.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Fix Peer Exists Method.
  • Manual tests and Mock testing should pass the data from Home to Chat.
  • 5 hours

As a developer I need the ViewModel documentation to be corrected so that it can be useful.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Our wiki page about the data model will be updated to reflect our new version of the model.
  • The database code shall be revisited, and all of the doxygen block comments shall be updated to ensure that they accurately describe the functionality of the code.
  • 8 hours

Austin Scott

As a contributor to this codebase I need to add and update comments on structures within the code so our documentation is correct and up to date.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • All methods will have comments describing overall functionality, any parameters, and return values
  • All classes and interfaces will have comments describing overall functionality
  • Update for the documentation for the wiki needs to be updated with the code.
  • 5 hours

As a QA tester, I need to mock the WifiDirect class so I can test connecting to other devices from an integration test so we can be assured that it works.

Acceptance Criteria.

  • WifiDirect class will have a mock version created
  • The fragments interacting with the WifiDirect class will be tested inside of UI integration tests to verify that the process of connecting to peers works as expected
  • 8 hours

As a QA tester, I want unit tests for the SendDataService so I can be assured that it is working as expected.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • The SendDataService class will be modified to enable mocking of any code dependencies using the dependency injection pattern.
  • All public methods of the SendDataService class will have unit tests written for them.
  • 8 hours

Evan Vander Hoeven

As a QA tester, I need unit tests for the WifiDirect class so that I can be assured that it is working as expected

Acceptance Criteria:

  • WifiDirect class will be modified to use the dependency injection pattern
  • Unit tests will be written for all public functions in the WifiDirect class
  • 8 hours

As a QA tester, I need unit tests to check that InMemoryFile objects can be converted to and from InputStream objects.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • A unit test will be written that verifies that an InMemoryFile can be converted to and from InputStream objects as they are done inside of the SendDataService.
  • 8 hours

Nick Zolondek

As a programmer, I need to link up the WifiDirect singleton to the chatview so that two way communication code is actually being executed.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • The chat fragment calls WifiDirect.sendInMemeoryFile() to send data
  • The chat fragment needs to properly package text messages and files into InMemoryFiles
  • The chat fragment needs to save messages to the database prior to sending the data.
  • 1 hour

As a tester, I need a method to clear the data in the GUI, so I can have a fresh App Database for testing.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • A Method that clears the database should be called in the settings page.
  • A confirmation should be required via popup to ensure that users do not accidentally delete everything.
  • Should be tested using Expresso.
  • 5 hours

As a Designer, I would like a well designed aesthetic on the Chat Interface and Settings Page, So it is pretty.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • The Settings Fragment, Chat Fragment and message Fragments should mesh well and appear aesthetically pleasing.
  • Color should not interfere with readability.
  • Complies with UI Design
  • 13 hours
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