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Laravel Share

Laravel Share is an easy way to share any data through a request.


With Laravel Share you can share any data through a request to use later. You should consider it as an array that are available everywhere. I mean EVERYWHERE! From Service Provider to routes, middlewares, controllers and views.


Install using Composer

$ composer require peyman3d/laravel-share

When installation completes you should add provider and alias to config/app.php file. If you are using Laravel 5.5 or 5.6 you can skip this step as Laravel can discover this package automatically.

  • Add to providers array:
  • Add to alias array:
'Share' => Peyman3d\Share\ShareFacade::class,


Using Laravel Share is easy as pie. Just think of a person and you can share data like this:

	   ->add('name', 'Peyman')
	   ->add('email', '')
	   ->add('job', 'Web developer')
	   ->edit('title', 'Mr');

And when you want that data just use Share::get('Person');;

As you see you can create an item with make() method. then you can add parameters to it by using add($key, $value) or edit($key, $value). You can also use share() helper instead of Share Facade.

share()->make('asset.js')->add('react', '')

There are some basic methods for working with data array:

// Change key

// Make new item with key and value
share()->make($key, $value, $single);

// Create new item to current key

// Prepend an item to current key

// Add a child to array

// Check if key exists

// Get from array with key
// Second parameter is for get result as single value or collection
share()->key('menu')->get('users', true);

// Pull data from array and delete it
share()->key('menu')->pull('users', true);

// Get all data

// Delete data for current key

// Delete all data

What data can be shared?

Almost anything. You can share any string, numbers, objects and closures.

share()->make('user')->add('profile', auth()->user());
share()->menu('posts')->add('filter', function($value){
    return '<h3>'.$value.'</h3>';   

Even better helpers

Laravel Share has more helpers to create better syntax. You can use any combination of these helpers.

share()->make('Job')->title('Senior Developer');

As you can see title() method accept a value and work just like add('title', 'Senior Developer').

Check all helpers here:

  • id()
  • title()
  • subtitle()
  • label()
  • icon()
  • link()
  • route()
  • route_attributes()
  • href()
  • fallback()
  • callback()
  • order()
  • class()
  • desc()
  • type()
  • default()
  • options()
  • name()
  • placeholder()
  • children()
  • file()
  • src()
  • active()
  • config()
  • format()
  • permission()
  • count()
  • attributes()
  • field()
  • blade()

Other than this helpers for parameters, we also have some helpers for sections and types:

  • menu()
  • view()
  • asset()
  • js()
  • css()
  • script()
  • style()

You can check some examples:

// Create new menu with items
share()->menu('users')->child('users-list')->label('All users')->route('admin.users.index');
share()->menu('users')->child('users-create')->label('Add new user')->route('admin.users.create');

// Manage Assets

Custom helpers

I added some basic helpers that works for me, but you can also add yours. You can remove or edit items too. See some examples below:

// Arguments
share()->editArg('subtitle', 'second-title');
if( share()->hasArg('config') ){
    share()->editArg('config', 'setting');

// Keys
share()->editKey('asset', 'libraries');
if( share()->hasKey('menu') ){
    share()->editKey('menu', 'menus');

Just an example

Imagine you have an admin panel that has a menu on sidebar. This menu has multiple items and each one may have sub-items. Now, we add some items to the menu:

// Add dashboard
share()->menu()->item('dashboard')->label('Dashboard')->icon('fa fa-dashboard')->route('admin.dashboard');

// Add posts and it's sub items
               ->icon('fa fa-file-text-o')->route('admin.posts');
share()->menu('posts')->child('posts-list')->label('All posts')
share()->menu('posts')->child('posts-create')->label('Add new post')

// Add setting
share()->menu()->item('settings')->label('Settings')->icon('fa fa-cogs');
foreach($setting_pages as $page){

These codes can be anywhere: Service Provider, routes, middlewares, controller, model and even a blade view. If you want you can active a menu item like this:

// PostController.php

public function index(){

And you can sort items with order() method. It can be done when you add an item or just any other times and places.

// AdminMiddleware.php

class AdminMiddleware
     * Handle an incoming request.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
     * @param  \Closure  $next
     * @return mixed
    public function handle($request, Closure $next)
	    return $next($request);

If you don't set order, it counts as 100.

And finally you can use this data in a blade view like sidebar.blade.php as simple as this:

<aside id="sidebar">

    <ul class="menu">
        @foreach( share()->menu()->get() as $item )
            <li class="menu-item @if( array_has($item, 'children') ) has-child @endif @if(array_get($menu_item, 'active', false)) active @endif">
                <a href="{{ make_menu_link($item) }}">
                    <i class="{{ array_get($item, 'icon') }}"></i>
                    <span class="title">{{ array_get($item, 'label') }}</span>

                @if( array_has($item, 'children') )
                    <ul class="sub-menu" @if(array_get($menu_item, 'active', false)) style="display: block;" @endif>
                        @foreach( $item['children'] as $subitem )
                            <li><a href="{{ make_menu_link($subitem) }}">{{ $subitem['label'] }}</a></li>



And that's just it :) Just one thing. I use a helper function called make_menu_link() that I wrote for create item link base on what it has. It's not on the package as it may not be useful for you. But you can have it in this link.