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06 03 2019 Meeting Notes

noaz edited this page Jun 4, 2019 · 1 revision


Noa Zilberman and Robert Soulé

Action Items

  • Robert - Update the calendar invitations
  • Noa, Robert - Define a strategy plan (Due: September/19)
  • Robert - Follow up with Theo Benson on P4App contributions to mininet


  • Follow up on AR
  • Update on edu activities (tutorial, workshop, hackathon)
  • Discussion of engagement with the community
  • Decide on more concrete action items for the WG


  • Completed action items:

    • There is currently no NS3 support for teaching. The available NS3-P4 project is
    • Added new resource links contributed through the survey
    • Survey results shared with the workgroup mailing list, and are available on the wiki
  • P4 events

    • Upcoming P4 European workshop (EuroP4) is on track, CFP is out and TPC is formed.
    • Upcoming P4 tutorial at SIGCOMM'19 by Steve Ibanez.
    • P4 Hackathon at the Netherlands still in preparations, target date around October/19.
    • Upcoming P4 hackathon at IETF 105, organized by IRTF COIN.
  • Discussed P4 Education workgroup engagement with P4 events not organised by the workgroup.

  • The workgroup will move to monthly meetings until further notice.