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Pål's Neovim config

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I'm using Ubuntu through WSL on Windows 10 & 11

Yanking to OS clipboard registry is currently customized for WSL specifically (let g:clipboard = { from lazy.lua). Aside: :h clipboard-wsl

A note on Windows 11 & its Terminal app:

  • [ctrl] [tab] is automatically set up to "move to next tab"
  • I have also defined a [ctrl] [tab] keybinding in the autohotkey file, to "move to previous open tab" (just like hitting [ctrl] 6 in vim)

If you want to use the latter, you'll have to delete the former. You can open up Terminal settings and delete the "move to next tab".

Neovim version 0.9.0

My Neovim info

NVIM v0.9.0
Build type: Release
LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3

How to install Neovim 0.9 in Ubuntu in WSL

Git version over 2.31.0 (For Diffview.nvim)

How to update git on Ubuntu

Check git --version

Update if necessary

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:git-core/ppa -y
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git -y
git --version

Install Ripgrep for Telescope


curl -LO
sudo dpkg -i ripgrep_14.1.0-1_amd64.deb

Other installation methods:

Install C compiler for Nvim-treesitter


sudo apt install build-essential

Install nodejs and npm for Lsp-zero (tsserver, html etc.)


sudo apt install nodejs npm

Semi-requirements / nice to have

Autohotkey (Windows app, for extra keymaps)

I have made some additional keymaps using Authotkey.

(Some keymaps are too hard / impossible to define in plain Neovim)

Install AutoHotkey:

Download v2.0, launch AutoHotkey_2.x.x_setup, accept the default suggestions

Start script

Run ahk file

:lua Ahk() (might need to source :so autohotkey/init.lua first)


click 'run script' from the right-click menu on the ahk-file

Stop script


LazyGit (UI for version control)

Install as explained in,


LAZYGIT_VERSION=$(curl -s "" | grep -Po '"tag_name": "v\K[^"]*')
curl -Lo lazygit.tar.gz "${LAZYGIT_VERSION}_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz"
tar xf lazygit.tar.gz lazygit
sudo install lazygit /usr/local/bin

Verify installation

lazygit --version

Git delta (Better git diff)


Download the deb for Debian / Ubuntu

Debian / Ubuntu sudo dpkg -i git-delta-musl_x.xx.x_amd64.deb


git diff | delta

see more

Tmux (for terminal window management)

Ubuntu or Debian

apt install tmux

Other installation methods:

If you want to use this repo's .tmux.conf-file as your tmux config

[!WARNING] This Neovim will OVERWRITE your ~/.tmux.conf if you have one

[space] [space] tmux

Install plugin manager

git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm

Install plugins

Open tmux, and run:

[tmux prefix], I

Emmet-ls (node)
  1. Install node
  2. npm install -g emmet-ls
  3. for jsx code completion


Clone config


If you already have a .config/nvim-directory with important files, make sure to create a backup of them first!

git clone ~/.config/nvim

Intro page

Start Neovim

In WSL, navigate to the files you want to edit and run:


If you get errors, try :Lazy restore to use the package versions specified in lazy-lock.json

Usage & utilities

  • View welcome screen and important keybindings: Run nvim


Source control


:h fugitive-maps

Commit maps:
:h fugitive_c


Commit using git's default configured editor -> (n)vim

C (uppercase)

Edit file in new modal:


Open file in default code editor:



The 'terminal' here is just a tmux pane -- Neovim terminal plugins such as Toggleterm and FTerm crashed a lot and were a pain to use

Start Neovim inside of tmux


nvim .

You can also run :terminal and :autoinsert, but I haven't tested that as much

Exit terminal

Close with exit (better yet create an alias for "exit" in your .bashrc file. I'm using alias q="exit")

Temprorarily jump out of Neovim

Suspend Neovim: [ctrl] z

Bring back Neovim: fg

Other tools

Multiple cursors (Vim visual multi)

  1. Visual mode v
  2. Enter visual multi mode [ctrl] n

Surround (Nvim surround)

The primary way of adding a new pair to the buffer is via the normal-mode ys operator, which stands for "you surround". It can be used via ys{motion}{char}, which surrounds a given {motion} with a delimiter pair associated with {char}. For example, ysa") means "you surround around quotes with parentheses".

Surround visual selection

S (uppercase)

  • ys (you surround/add)
  • cs (change surrounding)
  • ds (delete surrounding)

W/o visual selection

Old text                    Command         New text

surr*ound_words             ysiw)           (surround_words)
*make strings               ys$"            "make strings"
[delete ar*ound me!]        ds]             delete around me!
remove <b>HTML t*ags</b>    dst             remove HTML tags
'change quot*es'            cs'"            "change quotes"
<b>or tag* types</b>        csth1<CR>       <h1>or tag types</h1>
delete(functi*on calls)     dsf             function calls

Detailed information on how to use this plugin can be found in :h nvim-surround.usage.

Command preview (live command)

Preview norm and macros

  • :Norm to preview :norm
  • :At a to preview :norm @a


Return to last opened window (buffer)

[ctrl] 6

Commiting with convential commits