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Terraform Azure DevOps modules

Semantic versioning

This repo use standard semantic versioning according to

We use keywords in PR title to determinate next release version.

If first commit it's different from PR title you must add at least a second commit.

Due this issue semantic-release/commit-analyzer#231 use breaking keyword to trigger a major change release.

Precommit checks

Check your code before commit.

# for terraform modules we need to initialize them with
bash .utils/ init local
pre-commit run -a

Terraform lock.hcl

We have both developers who work with your Terraform configuration on their Linux, macOS or Windows workstations and automated systems that apply the configuration while running on Linux.

So we need to specify this in terraform lock providers:

terraform init

rm .terraform.lock.hcl

terraform providers lock \
  -platform=windows_amd64 \
  -platform=darwin_amd64 \
  -platform=darwin_arm64 \