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Merge pull request Sylius#133 from Sylius/contributing-guide
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[WIP] Initial contributing guide, based on Symfony
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Paweł Jędrzejewski committed Mar 6, 2014
2 parents cab731c + 1c57396 commit af978f5
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Showing 17 changed files with 1,524 additions and 29 deletions.
286 changes: 286 additions & 0 deletions contributing/code/bdd.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
BDD Methodology

.. note::

This part of documentation is inspired by the official `PHPSpec`_ docs.

Sylius adopted the full-stack BDD methodology for its development processes.

According to `Wikipedia`_:

"BDD is a software development process based on test-driven development (TDD).
Behavior-driven development combines the general techniques and principles of TDD with ideas from domain-driven design and object-oriented
analysis and design to provide software developers and business analysts with shared tools and a shared process
to collaborate on software development, with the aim of delivering software that matters."

Setting up Behat & PHPSpec

To run the entire suite of features and specs, including the ones that depend on external
dependencies, Sylius needs to be able to autoload them. By default, they are
autoloaded from ``vendor/`` under the main root directory (see

To install them all, use `Composer`_:

Step 1: Get `Composer`_

.. code-block:: bash
$ curl -s | php
Make sure you download ``composer.phar`` in the same folder where
the ``composer.json`` file is located.

Step 2: Install vendors

.. code-block:: bash
$ php composer.phar install
.. note::

Note that the script takes some time (several minutes) to finish.

.. note::

If you don't have ``curl`` installed, you can also just download the ``installer``
file manually at Place this file into your
project and then run:

.. code-block:: bash
$ php installer
$ php composer.phar install
Install Selenium2

Download Selenium server 2.38 `here`_.

.. _here:

Create a VirtualHost

Add this VirtualHost configuration:

.. code-block:: apache
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName sylius-test.local
RewriteEngine On
DocumentRoot /var/www/sylius/web
<Directory /var/www/sylius/web
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
allow from all
RewriteRule ^(.*) %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/app_test.php [QSA,L]
ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/sylius-test-error.log
LogLevel warn
CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/sylius-test-access.log combined
Update your ``/etc/hosts`` file to include the VirtualHost hostname:

.. code-block:: bash sylius-test.local
Additionally, copy ``behat.yml.dist`` to ``behat.yml``, edit base_url parameter to match your host:

.. code-block:: yaml
base_url: http://sylius-test.local/app_test.php/

We use `Behat`_ for StoryBDD and you should always write new scenarios when adding a feature, or update existing stories to adapt Sylius to business requirments changes.

Sylius is an open source project, so the **client** is not clearly visible at first look. But they are here - the Sylius users. We have our needs and Behat helps us understand and satisfy these needs.

.. note::

To be written.

You can launch Selenium by issuing the following command:

.. code-block:: bash
$ java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.33.0.jar
Run your scenario using the ``behat`` console:

.. code-block:: bash
$ bin/behat

PHPSpec is a PHP toolset to drive emergent design by specification.
It is not really a testing tool, but a design instrument, which helps structuring the objects and how they work together.

Sylius approach is to always describe the behavior of the next object you are about to implement.

As an example, we'll write a service, which updates product prices based on an external API.
To initialize a new spec, use the ``desc`` command.

We just need to tell **PHPSpec** we will be working on
the `PriceUpdater` class.

.. code-block:: bash
$ bin/phpspec desc "Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Pricing\PriceUpdater"
Specification for PriceUpdater created in spec.
What have we just done? **PHPSpec** has created the spec for us. You can
navigate to the spec folder and see the spec there:
.. code-block:: php
namespace spec\Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Pricing;
use PhpSpec\ObjectBehavior;
use Prophecy\Argument;
class PriceUpdaterSpec extends ObjectBehavior
function it_is_initializable()
The object behavior is made of examples. Examples are encased in public methods,
started with ``it_``.
or ``its_``.
**PHPSpec** searches for such methods in your specification to run.
Why underscores for example names? ``just_because_its_much_easier_to_read``
than ``someLongCamelCasingLikeThat``.
Now, let's write first example which will update the products price:
.. code-block:: php
namespace spec\Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Pricing;
use Acme\ApiClient;
use PhpSpec\ObjectBehavior;
use Prophecy\Argument;
use Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Model\ProductInterface;
class PriceUpdaterSpec extends ObjectBehavior
function let(ApiClient $api)
function it_updates_product_price_through_api($api, ProductInterface $product)
The example looks clear and simple, the ``PriceUpdater`` service should obtain the SKU of the product, call the external API and update products price accordingly.
Try running the example by using the following command:
.. code-block:: bash
$ bin/phpspec run
> spec\Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Pricing\PriceUpdater
✘ it updates product price through api
Class PriceUpdater does not exists.
Do you want me to create it for you? [Y/n]
Once the class is created and you run the command again, PHPSpec will ask if it should create the method as well.
Start implementing the very initial version of the price updater.
.. code-block:: php
namespace Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Pricing;
use Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Model\ProductInterface;
use Acme\ApiClient;
class PriceUpdater
private $api;
public function __construct(ApiClient $api)
$this->api = $api;
public function updatePrice(ProductInterface $product)
$price = $this->api->getCurrentProductPrice($product->getSku());
Done! If you run PHPSpec again, you should see the following output:
.. code-block:: bash
$ bin/phpspec run
> spec\Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Pricing\PriceUpdater
✔ it updates product price through api
1 examples (1 passed)
This example is greatly simplified, in order to illustrate how we work.
There should be few more examples, which cover errors, API exceptions and other edge-cases.
Few tips & rules to follow when working with PHPSpec & Sylius:
* RED is good, add or fix the code to make it green;
* RED-GREEN-REFACTOR is our rule;
* All specs must pass;
* When writing examples, **describe** the behavior of the object in present tense;
* Omit the ``public`` keyword;
* Use underscores (``_``) in the examples;
* Use type hinting to mock and stub classes;
* If your specification is getting too complex, the design is wrong, try decoupling a bit more;
* If you cannot describe something easily, probably you should not be doing it that way.
Happy coding!
.. _`Composer`:
.. _`Wikipedia`:
39 changes: 25 additions & 14 deletions contributing/code/bugs.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,25 +1,36 @@
Reporting a bug
Reporting a Bug

All bundles and Sylius itself, uses **GitHub issues** for bug tracking.
If you have found a bug, please create an issue for correct repository.
Whenever you find a bug in Sylius, we kindly ask you to report it. It helps
us make a better e-commerce solution for PHP.

.. caution::

If you think you've found a security issue, please use the special
:doc:`procedure <security>` instead.

Before submitting a bug:

* Double-check the official `documentation <>`_ to see if you're not misusing the
bundle or Sylius;
* Double-check the official `documentation`_ to see if you're not misusing the

* Ask for assistance on ``_ or on the
#sylius `IRC channel`_ if you're not sure your issue is really a bug.

* Ask for assistance on the `users mailing list <>`_, or on the
#sylius `IRC channel <irc://>`_ if you're not sure if your issue is really a bug.
If your problem definitely looks like a bug, report it using the official bug
`tracker`_ and follow some basic rules:

If your problem definitely looks like a bug, report it using the **GitHub** issues.
* Use the title field to clearly describe the issue;

* Use the title field to clearly describe the issue;
* Describe the steps needed to reproduce the bug with short code examples
(providing a Behat scenario that illustrates the bug is best);

* Describe the steps needed to reproduce the bug with short code examples
(providing a unit test that illustrates the bug is best);
* Give as much detail as possible about your environment (OS, PHP version,
Symfony version, Sylius version, enabled extensions, ...);

* Give as much details as possible about your environment (OS, PHP version,
Symfony version, Sylius version, enabled extensions, ...);
* *(optional)* Attach a :doc:`patch <patches>`.

* *(optional)* Attach a :doc:`patch <patches>`.
.. _documentation:
.. _IRC channel: irc://
.. _tracker:

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