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AnimationSequence Workshop Build Status

The AnimationSequence is a workshop to render a video only with scroll events. I used the ProgressiveImageSequence created by Hinderling Volkart AG to render images with the best performances.

The goal is to handle events easily and render a video only by scrool, drag n'drop and automatic scroll events. We can display hotspots regardless the scroll position (percentage of the frames scrolled)

Jump start

Get started with the boilerplate:

  1. Clone the git repo — git clone and checkout the tagged release you need.
  2. Execute in the shell sudo npm install to install each node.js dependencies, needed for Grunt.
  3. Execute in the shell bower install to install each front-end dependencies.
  4. Execute in the shell grunt to generate the stylesheets and scripts files.

You can also execute grunt dev to watch modified files and re-generate scripts and stylesheets.

How to implement a scroll app

Following the app.js file, you can implement several options :

var animationSequence = new AnimationSequence();
    firstFrame: "public/video/forza/large/frame-00001.jpg", // first img loaded
    indexFrames: "public/video/forza/min/frame-{index}.jpg", // the position of the "index" to display frames
    wrapperHeight: 8000, // The base wrapper height (will be recalculated later)
    maxFrames: 432, // Total number of frames
    ajaxCall: false, // not implemented yet
    userScrollEnabled: true, // The user can scroll
    autoScrollEnabled: false, // If the user don't scroll, an auto-scroll start
    autoScrollLength: 35000, // The duration of the auto-scroll feature
    autoScrollWaitingTime: 5000, // The duration to wait before launching the auto-scroll feature
    dragDropScrollEnabled: false, // The user can scroll using drag n'drop
    classOptions: {
      indexSize: 5, // The index size (for example, 5 eq to : 00001 and 4 eq to : 0001)
      initialStep: 64, // The initial step to load images (The loader will load the img 1, then 64, then 128 ...)
      onProgress: animationSequence.handleLoadProgress, // Callback to handle the progress of images loading
      onComplete: animationSequence.handleLoadComplete, // Callback to handle the end of images loading
      stopAt: 1 // Percentage when the scroll stop (1 = 100%, then 0.5 = 50%)

Handle hotspots

There is a lot of hotspots implementation. The classical one is :

<div class="hotspot" data-position="0.3" data-speed="2" data-timer="0.2" data-effect="slide-bottom" style="left: 15%;">
      <div class="hotspot-wrapper blue">
  • The hotspot must have the hotspot classe.
  • Then, to show the bubble, you need to set a data-position. For this exemple, 0.3 means 30%. The hotspot will show on 30% of the video.
  • The data-speed attribute handle the speed to show the bubble.
  • The data-timer will let the hotspot waiting in the middle of his animation during the time set. 20% of the video for this example.
  • The data-effect attribute will make the effect wanted to show the hotspot.

*/!* This is just a workshop, then you must understand that the project is not well documented. */!*


Workshop to create a responsive video scrollable







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