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E-Movies App, a Django project in the context of HUA DIT course 'Basic DevOps Concepts and Tools'


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E-Movies App, a Django project in the context of HUA DIT course 'Basic DevOps Concepts and Tools'


Languages and Tools:

azure bash bootstrap css3 django docker gcp git html5 jenkins kubernetes linux nginx postgresql python sqlite

Run project locally

Clone and initialize project

git clone 
python3 -m venv myvenv
source myvenv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd movies_app
cp movies_app/.env.example movies_app/.env

Edit movies_app/.env file to define


If you want to run it with PostgreSQL Database visit the link and change DATABASE_URL above as:


after you have created a database using pgAdmin

Database migration

python makemigrations && python migrate

Run development server

python runserver

Alternatively, run gunicorn application server

gunicorn --bind movies_app.wsgi:application

See what you have done

Deploy django project to a VM (Virtual Machine)

We are going to need 4 VMs. One for the jenkins server and one for each execution environment (ansible, docker and kubernetes)

CI/CD tool configuration (Jenkins Server)

Make sure service is running

sudo systemctl status jenkins
netstat -anlp | grep 8080 # needs package net-tools

Step 1: Configure Shell

Go to Dashboard / Manage Jenkins / Configure System / Shell / Shell Executable and type '/bin/bash'

Step 2: Add webhooks both to django and ansible repositories

Dublicate repositories for easier configuration.

Step 3: Add the credentials needed

# ID                What is the value?
psql-user           a username you choose for the db user
psql-pass           a password you choose for the db user
psql-db             a name you choose for your database - must be aligned with the db-urls below
django-key          the django secret key - can be a random string
ansible-db-url      'postgresql://<db-user-name>:<db-user-password>@localhost/<db-name>'
ansible-hosts       the domain name for your ansible vm
docker-db-url       'postgresql://<db-user-name>:<db-user-password>@db/<db-name>'
docker-hosts        the domain name for your docker vm
docker-image        the docker image as it is named in Dockerhub (e.g. belpanos/django-movies)
docker-user         your username for Dockerhub
docker-pass         your password for Dockerhub
k8s-db-url          postgresql://<db-user-name>:<db-user-password>@pg-cluster-ip/<db-name> # NO QUOTES TO AVOID 
k8s-hosts           the domain name for your k8s vm

Create Jobs

In the django job the pipeline will be the Jenkinsfile

Build stage

Takes the code from the git repository

Test stage

Activates a virtual environment, installs the requirements, copies the .env.example to use it as .env with some demo values for testing and executes the file so the application can be tested before goes on production. NOTE: connect to your jenkins vm and do the below line so the test stage can run

<username>@<vm-name>:~$ sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev libpq-dev
Ansible Deployment

Ansible connects to the ansible-vm through ssh agent and the ssh key we define there and runs a playbook for postgres database configuration and django site configuration passing the sensitive parameters from secret texts.

Docker Deployment

Ansible connects to the docker-vm through ssh and runs a playbook that it will define the sensitive parameters and will use docker-compose module to do docker-compose up the containers according to docker-compose.yml

Preparing k8s Deployment

Here, to deploy our app we need a docker image updated. So we build the image according to nonroot.Dockerfile, we are logging in Dockerhub and push the image there to be public available.

Kubernetes Deployment

After we have configure connection between jenkins user and our k8s cluster, we update secrets and configmaps using also some Ansible to populate ~/. env values and create all the needed entities such as persistent volume claims, deployments, cluster IPs, ingress, services.

Secrets and ConfigMaps could be just prepared from earlier. This is applied to the https ingress, we will see later in SSL configuration

Deployment with pure Ansible

In order to be able to use Ansible for automation, there is the ansible-movie-project. There is installation and usage guide.

Deployment with Docker and docker-compose using Ansible

In order to deploy our project in Docker environment, we use again the ansible-movie-project where we use a playbook that uses an Ansible role to run the application with docker-compose according to the docker-compose.yml. In that file, we have defined three services, the postgres container with its volume in order to be able to store data, the django container for our app taking environmental variables from local .env file (it's ready when we run the playbook from jenkins-server where the sensitive values from environmental variables are parametric). The django container is built according to the nonroot.Dockerfile as a nonroot process for safety reasons. Also, the nginx container is defined to start so as to have a web server in front of django container and to be able to pass SSL certificates for HTTPS environment. For the HTTPS part we will talk about later.

Deployment using Kubernetes and a few things from Ansible

In order to deploy our project in Kubernetes cluster, we first need to connect to that VM so as to configure a better connection between local PC or jenkins server and deployment vm's:

echo "alias k='microk8s.kubectl' " >> ~/.profile

The permanent alias will be applied only if you reconnect to your VM.

Cluster Configuration & Enable Addons

sudo usermod -a -G microk8s <your-username>
sudo chown -f -R <your-username> ~/.kube
microk8s enable dns dashboard storage ingress
microk8s status

Connect Kubernetes Cluster with Local PC or/and Jenkins server

# VM's terminal
k config view --raw > kube-config
cat kube-config

# Local terminal
mkdir ~/.kube
scp <vm-name>:/home/<vm-username>/kube-config ~/.kube/config

Edit ~/.kube/config to replace the with the VM's public ip and the certificate line in clusters section with the below line (not used this way in a real production environment)

insecure-skip-tls-verify: true
  • Don't forget to add a firewall rule for the port specified in the ~/.kube/config file With
kubectl get pods

you can ensure that the connection is established.

If you use CI/CD tool and mostly Jenkins do the following (for better deployment fork the repository to be able to change code where needed):

# Jenkins terminal
sudo su
curl -LO "$(curl -L -s"
sudo install -o root -g root -m 0755 kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
su jenkins

# Local terminal
scp ~/.kube/config <jenkins-vm-name>:/tmp/config

# Jenkins terminal
mkdir -p .kube
cp /tmp/config ~/.kube/


kubectl get pods

you can ensure that the connection is established.

Kubernetes Entities

Find instructions here

Creating Domain Names

DNS Zone

  • Go here to make a DNS zone with a general name and a fixed ending. Each VM later will have one more word in front of the DNS zone as you will see.

A and CNAME records

Installing SSL Certificates

Make Account / New Certificate / Enter your domain name (A record) / 90-Day Certificate / Verify Domain / DNS (CNAME)

Now, follow the steps and add the CNAME record the instructions tell you. When done press 'verify domain'.

Choose Server Format: NGINX / Install Certificate / Download .zip file

General Installation Instructions which are described better below for each execution environment.

in Jenkins VM

Let's assume that we have done the wanted concatenation and now we have the certificate.crt and the private.key files. These files should be moved in the cloned ansible-movie-code project under the path 'files/certs/jenkins' inside that folder. In case you have repo duplicated and push code the .gitignore protects these files from become visible.

So now we run from our local PC (where we have already set ssh connection between Ansible and Jenkins) the related playbook.

ansible-playbook -l <group-name with jenkins-vm> playbooks/jenkins-config.yml

in pure Ansible environment

Now we want the certificate files for ansible-vm to be located under 'files/certs/django' inside that folder. So we can run the related playbook.

ansible-playbook -l <group-name with ansible-vm> playbooks/ansible-https.yml

in Docker environment

Here we need to do the work manually. So,

Step 1: Connect to VM and install docker

  • Connect to docker-vm via SSH.
  • Install Docker and docker-compose if they aren't already installed.

Step 2: Configure Django project and it's files

  • Clone the django project and go inside the root folder.
  • Copy the .env.example to .env

Step 3: Pass certificates in project's folder

  • Save locally the certificate in the 'assets/nginx/certs' folder and do the concatenation if it hasn't been done already.
  • Copy them in the VM going in 'assets/nginx/certs' folder and using scp like below:
scp certificate.crt docker-vm:/home/<username>/e-movies-app/assets/nginx/certs/server.crt
scp private.key docker-vm:/home/<username>/e-movies-app/assets/nginx/certs/server.key

Step 4: Run docker-compose

  • Run
docker-compose up --build
docker-compose down

to apply the changes. Before scaling down the containers go and check what you have done in https:// followed by your A record

in Kubernetes environment

After you have certificates for k8s-vm too (you can use same local folder as before if docker https configuration was successful) make sure you have access to your kubernetes cluster.

NOTE: No concatenation needed here. We want the 3 files that ZeroSSL gave us.

Make a secret and apply the https ingress controller we have in .yaml file in k8s folder (Edit file changing host to your own dns name):

kubectl create secret generic tls-secret \
--from-file=tls.crt=certificate.crt \
--from-file=tls.key=private.key \

cd k8s
kubectl apply -f django/django-https-ingress.yaml

Go and check what you have done in https:// followed by your A record

Extra things for exploration

It's our pleasure to contact us at our social media or at github issues