Plex website: ( This module will install the Plex media server and create a backup cron of the PMS Library. This module works on Ubuntu, Centos, Redhat, Fedora and Scientific.
###Plex Media Server Control Panel Once the module has been applied, you should be able to browse to the following url http://hostname:32400/manage
Accept all defaults, and store backups in /backup/
include plexms
###Install Plex and disable backups
class { 'plexms':
backup => false,
$backup = true # Enable Backup (default)
= false # Disable Backup
$storage = '/backup' # Backup storage directory
$filename = "plex_library.`date '+%A'`" # Backup file name
$minute = '30' # Cron Backup minute
$hour = '4' # Cron Backup hour
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