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Simplify Go buildgen's use of source roots.
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benjyw committed May 4, 2020
1 parent 4198053 commit 9e844f4
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Showing 3 changed files with 31 additions and 110 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion contrib/go/src/python/pants/contrib/go/tasks/BUILD
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ python_library(
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74 changes: 24 additions & 50 deletions contrib/go/src/python/pants/contrib/go/tasks/
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
from pants.base.workunit import WorkUnitLabel
from pants.build_graph.address import Address
from pants.build_graph.address_lookup_error import AddressLookupError
from pants.source.source_root import SourceRootCategories
from pants.util.contextutil import temporary_dir
from pants.util.dirutil import safe_mkdir, safe_open

Expand All @@ -35,6 +34,9 @@ class WrongLocalSourceTargetTypeError(GenerationError):
For example, a Go main package was defined as a GoLibrary instead of a GoBinary.

class RemoteRequired(GenerationError):
"""Indicates that the --remote-root was required but not specified."""

class NewRemoteEncounteredButRemotesNotAllowedError(GenerationError):
"""Indicates a new remote library dependency was found but --remote was not enabled."""

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -88,6 +90,10 @@ def _generate_missing(self, gopath, local_address, import_listing, visited):
remote_root, import_path
name = remote_pkg_path or os.path.basename(import_path)
if not self._remote_source_root:
raise self.RemoteRequired(
"You must provide the remote source root with --remote-root"
address = Address(os.path.join(self._remote_source_root, remote_root), name)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -215,6 +221,15 @@ def register_options(cls, register):
help="An optional extension for all materialized BUILD files (should include the .)",

help="Path to the remote golang source root, if any.",

def execute(self):
materialize = self.get_options().materialize
if materialize:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -363,15 +378,9 @@ def gather_go_buildfiles(rel_path):
raise self.FloatingRemoteError("Un-pinned (FLOATING) Go remote libraries detected.")

class NoLocalRootsError(TaskError):
"""Indicates the Go local source owning targets' source roots are invalid."""

class InvalidLocalRootsError(TaskError):
"""Indicates the Go local source owning targets' source roots are invalid."""

class UnrootedLocalSourceError(TaskError):
"""Indicates there are Go local source owning targets that fall outside the source root."""

class InvalidRemoteRootsError(TaskError):
"""Indicates the Go remote library source roots are invalid."""

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -401,54 +410,19 @@ def generate_targets(self, local_go_targets=None):
# The GOPATH's 1st element is read-write, the rest are read-only; ie: their sources build to
# the 1st element's pkg/ and bin/ dirs.

go_roots_by_category = defaultdict(list)
# TODO: Add "find source roots for lang" functionality to SourceRoots and use that instead.
for sr in self.context.source_roots.all_roots():
if "go" in sr.langs:

if go_roots_by_category[SourceRootCategories.TEST]:
raise self.InvalidLocalRootsError("Go buildgen does not support test source roots.")
if go_roots_by_category[SourceRootCategories.UNKNOWN]:
raise self.InvalidLocalRootsError(
"Go buildgen does not support source roots of " "unknown category."
if not local_go_targets:
local_go_targets = self.context.scan().targets(self.is_local_src)
if not local_go_targets:
return None

local_roots = go_roots_by_category[SourceRootCategories.SOURCE]
if not local_roots:
raise self.NoLocalRootsError(
"Can only BUILD gen if a Go local sources source root is " "defined."
local_roots = {t.target_base for t in local_go_targets}
if len(local_roots) > 1:
raise self.InvalidLocalRootsError(
"Can only BUILD gen for a single Go local sources source "
"root, found:\n\t{}".format("\n\t".join(sorted(local_roots)))
"BUILD gen requires a single local Go source root, but found Go targets under "
f"multiple build roots: {', '.join(sorted(local_roots))}"
local_root = local_roots.pop()

if local_go_targets:
unrooted_locals = {t for t in local_go_targets if t.target_base != local_root}
if unrooted_locals:
raise self.UnrootedLocalSourceError(
"Cannot BUILD gen until the following targets are "
"relocated to the source root at {}:\n\t{}".format(
"\n\t".join(sorted(t.address.reference() for t in unrooted_locals)),
root = os.path.join(get_buildroot(), local_root)
local_go_targets = self.context.scan(root=root).targets(self.is_local_src)
if not local_go_targets:
return None

remote_roots = go_roots_by_category[SourceRootCategories.THIRDPARTY]
if len(remote_roots) > 1:
raise self.InvalidRemoteRootsError(
"Can only BUILD gen for a single Go remote library source "
"root, found:\n\t{}".format("\n\t".join(sorted(remote_roots)))
remote_root = remote_roots.pop() if remote_roots else None
remote_root = self.get_options().remote_root

generator = GoTargetGenerator(
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Expand Up @@ -57,36 +57,19 @@ def test_noop_no_applicable_targets(self):
self.assertEqual(expected, context.targets())

def test_no_local_roots_failure(self):
context = self.context(target_roots=[self.make_target("src/go/src/fred", GoBinary)])
task = self.create_task(context)
with self.assertRaises(task.NoLocalRootsError):

def test_multiple_local_roots_failure(self):
context = self.context(target_roots=[self.make_target("src/go/src/fred", GoBinary)])
context = self.context(
self.make_target("src/go/src/fred", GoBinary),
self.make_target("src/main/go/src/barney", GoBinary),
task = self.create_task(context)
with self.assertRaises(task.InvalidLocalRootsError):

def test_unrooted_failure(self):
context = self.context(target_roots=[self.make_target("src2/go/src/fred", GoBinary)])
task = self.create_task(context)
with self.assertRaises(task.UnrootedLocalSourceError):

def test_multiple_remote_roots_failure(self):
context = self.context(target_roots=[self.make_target("src/go/src/fred", GoLibrary)])
task = self.create_task(context)
with self.assertRaises(task.InvalidRemoteRootsError):

def test_existing_targets_wrong_type(self):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -285,6 +268,7 @@ def stitch_deps_remote(self, remote=True, materialize=False, fail_floating=False
fred = self.make_target("src/go/src/fred", GoBinary)
target_roots = [fred]

context = self.context(target_roots=target_roots)
pre_execute_files = self.buildroot_files()
task = self.create_task(context)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -350,42 +334,6 @@ def test_fail_floating(self):
with self.assertRaises(GoBuildgen.FloatingRemoteError):
self.stitch_deps_remote(remote=True, materialize=True, fail_floating=True)

def test_issues_2395(self):
# Previously, when a remote was indirectly discovered via a scan of locals (no target roots
# presented on the CLI), the remote would be queried for from the build graph under the
# erroneous assumption it had been injected. This would result in a graph miss (BUILD file was
# there on disk, but never loaded via injection) and lead to creation of a new synthetic remote
# target with no rev. The end result was lossy go remote library rev values when using the
# newer, encouraged, target-less invocation of GoBuildgen.

self.set_options(remote=True, materialize=True, fail_floating=True)
relpath="3rdparty/go/", target='go_remote_library(rev="v4.5.6")'

package jane
import ""
var PublicConstant = fake.DoesNotExistButWeShouldNotCareWhenCheckingDepsAndNotInstalling
self.add_to_build_file(relpath="src/go/src/jane", target="go_library()")

context = self.context(target_roots=[])
pre_execute_files = self.buildroot_files()
task = self.create_task(context)

self.build_graph.reset() # Force targets to be loaded off disk
self.assertEqual(pre_execute_files, self.buildroot_files())

def test_issues_2616(self):

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