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paradigmatic edited this page Dec 9, 2011 · 7 revisions

Creating a configuration

Here are some options to create a configuration:

/* Empty configuration */
val config = Configuration()
/* Configuration from key and values */ 
val config = Configuration( "name" -> "Bob", "age" -> 42, "married" -> false )

/* Configuration from Map[String,String] */
val data = Map( "name"->"Bob", "age"->"42", "married"->"false" )
val config = new Configuration( data )

Note that first and second examples use the companion object while third example uses the new keyword.

To load a configuration from a file (or an URL, InputStream, etc.) see InputOutput

Accessing a configuration values

Configuration use the same semantic as Map for accession a value. Let a configuration instance config contain the configuration:

name    = Bob
age     = 42
married = true

Getting values

The values can be retrieved with the apply method. If a key is missing, NoSuchElementException will be thrown. A type must be provided for conversion:

val name = config[String]( "name" )           // name =="Bob"
val age = config[Int]( "age" )                // age == 42
val isMarried = config[Boolean]( "married" )   // isMarried == true
val hasChildren = config[Boolean]( "children" ) // throws an exception

The methods contains can be used to check if a key is present:

if( config contains "children" && config[Boolean]( "children" ) ) {
  println( name + " has children." )

Getting options to values

Options to values can be retrieved with the get method. If a key is missing, None will be returned:

val name = config.get[String]( "name" )            // name == Some("Bob")
val age = config.get[Int]( "age" )                 // age == Some(42)
val isMarried = config.get[Boolean]( "married" )   // isMarried == Some(true)
val hasChildren = config.get[Boolean]( "children" ) // hasChildren == None

Getting values with default

After the key, the user can provide a default value. The apply method will then directly return the value if defined, or else the default value passed as argument.

val isMarried = config( "married", false ) // isMarried == true
val hasChildren = config( "children", false ) // hasChildren == false

The type will be inferred from the default value, so you can spare the type annotation.

How is the data parsed ?

When accessing a value, the conversion is realized by an implicit ValueConverter. They are already defined for most basic types in the configrity package object. See ValueConversions to learn how to write converters for other types.

Setting values

A Configuration can be modified using the set method. It either creates a new value or replace silently an existing one. Since Configuration is immutable, a new instance will be returned:

val config2 = config.set("name","Robert").set("children",true)
val name = config2[String]( "name" )         // name == "Robert"
val hasChildren = config2[Boolean]( "children" ) // hasChildren == true

Removing values

The method clear allows to remove an existing key. If the key does not exist, nothing will happen:

val config2 = config.clear( "name" ).clear( "address" )
val name = config2.get[String]( "name" )         // name == None