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To get started, clone the repo first:

git clone

cd tech4all-triggers

npm i

You can find sample trackings in the trackings folder and the triggers you're going to change in the triggers folder.

To easily test triggers, you can use the little main script that's included:

Just call the main.js with the name of the trigger and then the name of the tracking file, both without extensions!

node main.js <triggerfile> <trackingfile>

Example with real values:

node main.js prefilled hermes_addressIssue

This will test every trigger in your trigger file and show you if the filter passes for the tracking you supplied.

adi@Aliouns-MBP tech4all-triggers % node main.js prefilled hermes_addressIssue
Testing onTrackingCreated
 ↪ 0 Pass DispatchConfirmation

Testing onDeliveryStatus
 ↪ 0 Pass FailedAttempt

Testing onScheduled
 ↪ 0 Pass OutForDelivery
 ↪ 1 Pass OutForDeliveryCorrection

Testing onPickupReady
 ↪ 0 Pass PickupReady

Testing onReturnWarning
 ↪ 0 Pass ReturnWarning

Testing onDelivered
 ↪ 0 Pass Delivered

Testing onDelay
 ↪ 0 Pass Delay

Testing onReturn
 ↪ 0 Pass ServiceNoticeReturnToSender

if you run this, you'll have fancy colours

For the excercise, please use the empty.js and add your triggers into this file, feel free to rename it. You can then test your implemented trigger filters with:

node main.js empty <trackingYouWantToTestWith>

Happy Triggering!


A repo for teaching triggers






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