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ERC20 to Native token bridge.

Disclaimer: The contracts in this repo should be considered alpha quality. They have not been audited or thoroughly tested yet.


This repo contains contracts for bridging ERC20 tokens from one chain to native tokens (i.e. ETH) on another chain. The contracts are meant to be used on different networks bridged by a parity-bridge and rely on the bridge recipient contract interface for relaying and receiving bridged messages. For native token emission the bridge recipient uses parity's block reward contract functionality.

  • ERC20BridgeRecipient - Manages deposits of the given ERC20 token into the contract and transfers from messages received through the bridge. Before depositing into the contract the user must previously call approve on the ERC20 contract so that the bridge recipient can then successfully call transferFrom when depositing.
  • NativeBridgeRecipient - Is meant to be set as the BlockReward contract of the host chain, processes messages from the bridge and enqueues mint requests to be distributed on the next block production. Also processes withdrawals requests by burning the ETH (transfer to 0x0 address) and relaying the withdrawal message through the bridge. Keeps track of the total supply.

Getting started

This project uses the Truffle framework. To install the required dependencies run:

yarn install

To run the test suite:

yarn test


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