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Make checkdepend a real codingstd test.
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* eliminate Test::Differences dependency
* eliminate App::Ack dependency
* Rip out any code that dealt with PIR -
  Results of this were always ignored anyway, and we can put it back when
we have code that will pass.
  • Loading branch information
coke committed Dec 23, 2010
1 parent 8d253b8 commit 4b96417
Showing 1 changed file with 75 additions and 75 deletions.
150 changes: 75 additions & 75 deletions tools/dev/ → t/codingstd/checkdepend.t
@@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
#! perl

# Copyright (C) 2009, Parrot Foundation.
# Copyright (C) 2009-2010, Parrot Foundation.

use strict;
use warnings;

use Cwd qw(abs_path getcwd realpath);
use Fatal qw(open);
use File::Find;
use File::Spec;
use Test::More;
use Test::Harness;
use Test::Differences;

=head1 NAME
Expand All @@ -26,23 +25,31 @@ =head1 DESCRIPTION
is dumped (in lieu of having C<cc>'s C<-E> for C<make>. This option is only
intended to be used by developers examining the build process.
The test's output shows the extra dependencies recorded for "got", and the
missing dependencies for "expected" - any dependencies that match up exactly
are not reported on. The number in parentheses indicates how many were found.
(Useful for identifying when a requirement is included multiple times.)
A built parrot (Configure and make) to generate all files so we can analyze
them. App::Ack is used to find the files, and Test::Differences is used to
make the test output usable - these non standard modules make this an
optional test.
=head1 BUGS
See L<>
See L<>. Only checks C<.c>
and C<.h> files at the moment.

die 'no Makefile found; This tool requires a full build for analysis.'
unless -e 'Makefile';
if (! -e 'Makefile') {
plan(skip_all =>
'no Makefile found; This test requires a full build for analysis.');

my @incfiles = split /\n/, `ack -fa src compilers include | ack '\\.(c|h|pir)\$'`;
my @incfiles = [];
find( \&wanted, qw/src compilers include/);

our %deps;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -94,64 +101,6 @@ =head1 BUGS

foreach my $file (sort grep /\.pir$/, @incfiles) {
open my $fh, '<', $file;
my $guts;
local $/;
$guts = <$fh>;

# Ignore anything inside a # - comment.
$guts =~ s{^#.*$}{}gm;
# Ignore anything inside pod.
$guts =~ s{^=.*^=cut$}{}gsm;
# Ignore anything inside strings that are assigned to a variable.
# (Avoid clobbering the strings used in .include 'foo.pir', etc.)
$guts =~ s{=\s*'[^']*'\s*$}{}gm;
$guts =~ s{=\s*"(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*"\s*$}{}gm;
# TT #1418: also, heredocs (wheeeee!)

my @includes;
while ($guts =~ m/(?:\.include|\bload_bytecode)\s+(["'])(.*)\1/g) {
push @includes, $2;

# Canonicalize each of these includes.

$deps{$file} = [ ];
foreach my $include (@includes) {
# same dir as file?
my $file_dir = (File::Spec->splitpath($file))[1];
my $make_dep = collapse_path(File::Spec->catfile($file_dir, $include));
if (defined($make_dep) && -f $make_dep) {
push @{$deps{$file}}, $make_dep;

# global 'runtime' dir?
$make_dep = collapse_path(File::Spec->catfile('runtime/parrot/include', $include));
if (defined($make_dep) && -f $make_dep) {
push @{$deps{$file}}, $make_dep;
$make_dep = collapse_path(File::Spec->catfile('runtime/parrot/library', $include));
if (defined($make_dep) && -f $make_dep) {
push @{$deps{$file}}, $make_dep;

# relative to top level?
$make_dep = collapse_path(File::Spec->catfile($include));
if (defined($make_dep) && -f $make_dep) {
push @{$deps{$file}}, $make_dep;

diag "couldn't find $include, included from $file";

sub get_rules {

my ($filename, $rules) = @_;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -229,7 +178,7 @@ sub get_rules {
exit 0;

my $test_count = grep {/\.(c|pir)$/} (keys %deps);
my $test_count = grep {/\.(c)$/} (keys %deps);

plan( tests => $test_count );

Expand All @@ -243,8 +192,7 @@ sub get_rules {
my @files = keys %deps;
@files = @ARGV if @ARGV;

check_files($rules, \@files, '.c', $vars{O});
check_files($rules, \@files, '.pir', '.pbc');
check_files($rules, \@files, '.c', $vars{O});

sub check_files {

Expand All @@ -271,10 +219,10 @@ sub check_files {
$extra_info = "($active_makefile: line $active_line_num)";

$rule_deps = join "\n", sort split /\s+/, $rule_deps;
my $expected_deps = join "\n", sort (get_deps($file));
my @rule_deps = split /\s+/, $rule_deps;
my @expected_deps = (get_deps($file));

eq_or_diff_text($rule_deps, $expected_deps, "$file $extra_info.", {context => 0});
is_list_same(\@rule_deps, \@expected_deps, "$file $extra_info.");

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -315,6 +263,58 @@ sub get_deps {
return keys %all_deps;

# I'd rather use Test::Differences, but this lets us skip a dependency.

sub is_list_same {
my $got = shift;
my $exp = shift;
my $test = shift;

# keep track of the number of times something appears to
# avoid redundant includes)

my(%got, %exp);
for my $file (@$got) { $got{$file}++ };
for my $file (@$exp) { $exp{$file}++ };

# Remove any elements found in both
my @gots = keys %got;
foreach my $file (@gots) {
if (exists $exp{$file}) {
if ($exp{$file} == $got{$file}) {
delete $got{$file};
delete $exp{$file};

my $extras = scalar(keys %got);
my $missing = scalar(keys %exp);

if ($extras == 0 && $missing == 0) {

my $got_msg = "";
for my $file (keys %got) {
$got_msg .= "$file($got{$file})\n";
my $exp_msg = "";
for my $file (keys %exp) {
$exp_msg .= "$file($exp{$file})\n";

is ($got_msg, $exp_msg, $test);

sub wanted {
if ($File::Find::name =~ /\.(c|h)$/) {
push @incfiles, $File::Find::name;

# Local Variables:
# mode: cperl
# cperl-indent-level: 4
Expand Down

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