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Package for easy WordPress configurations

A composer package which abstracts the standard wordpress configuration and enables the usage of environment based .yml files.


You have to add the following to your composer.jsons repositories:

  "type": "composer",
  "url" : ""

And then you can just require the package:

$ composer require pi/wp-config


Create the following folder structure:

$ tree conf
├── development
├── production
└── staging

3 directories, 0 files

In your WordPress config require the composer autoload file and then you can initialize the config setup:

// map urls to specific environments
$urls = new PI\Configuration\UrlSet();
$urls->set('production', '<production-domain>');
$urls->set('staging', '<staging-domain>');
$urls->set('development', array(

// access your environment and configuration
$env = new PI\Configuration\Environment($urls);
$config = $env->config();

$env->version; // returns the version string from composer file
$config->get('file:key:subkey'); // returns the value for the given key path


MIT © Pascal Iske