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React and Azure Text to Speech with Container Apps


This project showcases the integration of Azure Text-to-Speech services within a Container Apps environment, demonstrating a powerful blend of cloud technologies for enhanced voice-enabled applications.

Architecture of Our Workshop

Our workshop showcases an architecture involving:

  • A React Web App Container Image as the frontend.
  • A Python-based container image as the backend API endpoint.

Technologies Used

  • Azure Speech Service
  • React
  • Python
  • Azure Container Apps


  • Text-to-Speech conversion in a cloud-based environment
  • Reactive web UI for interactive user experience
  • Advanced backend processing with Python
  • Scalable and efficient deployment using Azure Container Apps

Building the Application

Detailed instructions on setting up and running the project can be found here: Installation Guide.


We encourage contributions! If you have ideas on how to improve this application or want to report a bug, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.

