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streaming Patrick Nicolas Last update 01.03.2024.

Evaluation and tips for Kafka and Spark streaming

The pipeline packages contains implementation for

  • Evaluation of Apache Kafka and Spark streaming functionality in Scala with application to weather tracking and storm forecast (org.pipeline.streams)
  • Batch cleansing of datasets (org.pipeline.batch)
  • NoSQ/MongoDB client cod (org.pipeline.nosql)
  • Optimization of Spark configuration using Genetic Algorithm (




Library Version
Scala 2.12.15
Apache Spark 3.4.0
Apache Kafka 3.4.0
Jackson ser 2.13.1
Kubernetes 16.0.0


Date Version
01.20.2023 0.0.1
06.03.2023 0.0.2
08.12.2023 0.0.3
10.30.2023 0.0.4

Scala packages

within the package org.pipeline

Package Description
util Utilities classes
batch Batch processing for data cleansing
streams Clasess for Kafka and Spark streaming application
streams.kafka Classes related to Kafka service management
streams.kafka.prodcons Classes related to Kafka producer/consumer
streams.kafka.streams Classes related to Kafka streaming
streams.spark Classes related to spark datasets and structured streaming
streams.spark.etl Spark structured streaming for generic ETL
streams.spark.weatherTracking KafkaConnect & Spark structured streaming application for tracking weather
noseql Classes related to MongoDB client
ga Genetic algorithm implementation for optimizing Spark configuration.


From dockerfile for local deployment for a root directory 'myhome':

  • Linux X64: docker --build-args jdk_target=linux_x64 home=myhome build -t streaming
  • MacOS X64: docker --build-args jdk_target=macos_x64 home=myhome build -t streaming
  • MacOS ARM: docker --build-args jdk_target=macos_aarch64 home=myhome build -t streaming



Launch script

sleep 2
zookeeper-server-start $KAFKA_ROOT/kafka/config/ &
sleep 1
ps -ef | grep zookeeper
kafka-server-start $KAFKA_ROOT/kafka/config/ &
sleep 1
ps -ef | grep kafka

Spark structured streaming

Libraries - pom.xml

   Spark version: 3.4.0





Command lines application

For testing purpose, we deploy Apache Kafka on a local host listening to the default port 9092. Here are some useful commands:

To list topics for local deployment of Kafka service

kafka-topics --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --list

To create a new topic (i.e. doppler) for local deployment of Kafka service

--bootstrap-server localhost:9092
--topic doppler
--replication-factor 1
--partitions 2

To list messages for a given topic (i.e., weather) for local deployment of Kafka service

--topic weather
--bootstrap-server localhost:9092

Use case: Storm forecast


This use case involves gathering data from weather stations and Doppler radars, then merging these data sources based on location and time stamps. After consolidation, the unified data is sent to a model that forecasts potentially hazardous storms or tornadoes. The resulting predictions are then relayed back to the relevant authorities (such as emergency personnel, newsrooms, law enforcement, etc.) through Kafka. Implemented in spark/weatherTracking Package.

Collecting data


he monitoring streaming pipeline is structured into three phases: Kafka queue. Spark's distributed structured streams. A variety of storm and tornado prediction models, developed using the PyTorch library and accessible via REST API.

Data gathered from weather stations and Doppler radars is fed into the Spark engine, where both streams are combined and harmonized based on location and timestamp. This unified dataset is then employed for training the model. During the inference phase, predictions are streamed back to Kafka.


Illustration of encoding/decoding weather tracking data: Encoder-decoder

Genetic Algorithm


Consider the innovative approach of a genetic algorithm, a search heuristic inspired by Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. This method applies the concepts of natural selection to efficiently determine the best configuration for your Apache Spark application. It aims to achieve an ideal balance between minimizing production costs and maximizing customer satisfaction.

The goal is to identify the best settings for Apache Spark configuration parameters that minimize deployment expenses while ensuring high-quality service, as indicated by reduced latency. This goal will be converted into a fitness function during the genetic algorithm's development. A Spark configuration is defined as

case class SparkConfiguration(sparkParameters: Seq[ParameterDefinition])

case class ParameterDefinition(
  key: String,
  value: String,
  isDynamic: Boolean,
  paramType: String,
  range: Seq[String] = Seq.empty[String]



We establish the genetic encoder responsible for transforming genes to and from configuration parameters. The GAEncoder trait encompasses two characteristics:

  • encodingLength: The number of bits required to represent a parameter's value.
  • range: A sequence of valid, adjustable values applicable to this parameter. The sequence of bits, termed BitsRepr, is defined as a Seq[Int] consisting of either 0 or 1 values.

There are three primary methods:

  • rand: This method initializes a parameter value randomly.
  • apply: This function encodes a parameter's value into a sequence of bits.
  • unapply: This procedure decodes a bit sequence back into a parameter value.
  val encodingLength: Int
  val range: Seq[T]

  def rand: T
  def apply(t: T): BitsRepr
  def unapply(bitsRepr: BitsRepr): T


A Gene serves as the genetic representation of a configuration parameter. Consequently, its constructor requires the following:

  • The name of the parameter, referred to as 'id'.
  • The value of the parameter denoted as 't'.
  • An encoder, gaEncoder that corresponds to the parameter's type. To minimize its memory usage and facilitate direct bit manipulation, the sequence of bits, 'bitsSequence', is transformed into a Java BitSet.
class Gene[T : Ordering] (id: String, t: T, gaEncoder: GAEncoder[T]) {
  // Encoding as a  sequence of {0, 1}
  private[this] val bitsSequence: BitsRepr = gaEncoder(t)

  // Encoding as Bit set
  private[this] val encoded: util.BitSet = {
    val bs =  new java.util.BitSet(gaEncoder.encodingLength)
    bitsSequence.indices.foreach(index => bs.set(index, bitsSequence(index) == 1))

  def mutate(mutationProb: Double): Gene[T] = {
    (new MutationOp{
      override val mutationProbThreshold: Double = mutationProb


A chromosome symbolizes a Spark configuration. Assuming the configuration parameters are of two types (namely Float and Int), the constructor accepts two parameters:

  • features1: This represents the features/genes of one type.
  • features2: This encompasses the features/genes of the other type.

Additionally, the attribute 'fitness' accumulates the score for the specified set of configuration parameters.

class Chromosome[T : Ordering, U : Ordering](
  features1: Seq[Gene[T]],
  features2: Seq[Gene[U]]){

  var fitness: Double = -1.0

  def xOver(
    otherChromosome: Chromosome[T, U],
    xOverThreshold: Double
  ): (Chromosome[T, U], Chromosome[T, U]) = 
     (new XOverOp{
        override val xOverProbThreshold: Double = xOverThreshold
     }).xOver(this, otherChromosome)
  def mutate(mutationProb: Double): Chromosome[T, U] = {
    (new MutationOp{
      override val mutationProbThreshold: Double = mutationProb

The process of encoding a Spark configuration is carried out by the encode method. This involves purifying the parameter values from any units (denoted as cleansedParamValue). The type of the configuration parameter, referred to as paramType, is utilized to create the encoder and gene of the suitable type.

def encode(sparkConfig: SparkConfiguration): Chromosome[Int, Float] = {
   val floatGenes = ListBuffer[Gene[Float]]()
   val intGenes = ListBuffer[Gene[Int]]()

   sparkConfig.sparkParameters.foreach(paramValue => {
      val value = paramValue.value
      val cleansedParamValue: String =
         if (!value.last.isDigit) value.substring(0, value.length - 1)
         else value

      paramValue.paramType match {
         case "Int" =>
            val encoder = new GAEncoderInt(encodingLength = 6,
            val intGene = Gene[Int](paramValue.key, cleansedParamValue.toInt, encoder)


The mutation process of a chromosome occurs in two stages: The genetic algorithm chooses a gene for mutation if the mutation probability falls below a specified threshold. A bit within the bit sequence is randomly selected and flipped based on a certain probability.

Illustration of mutation

The mutation operation initiates when a randomly generated value between [0, 1] remains below a specified low mutation rate, termed 'mutationProbThreshold'.

Afterward, the mutated bit sequence is decoded into a value of type T. This decoded value must fall within the range of valid values predetermined for this configuration parameter, a process known as 'createValidMutation'.

trait MutationOp {
self =>
  protected[this] val mutationProbThreshold: Double
  private[this] val rand = new Random(42L)

   // Mutation of a gene - Step 2
  def mutate[T: Ordering](gene: Gene[T]): Gene[T] = 
     if(rand.nextDouble < mutationProbThreshold) {
         val newValue = createValidMutation(gene, implicitly[Ordering[T]])
         Gene[T](gene.getId, newValue, gene.getEncoder)

  def mutate[T: Ordering, U: Ordering](chromosomes: Seq[Chromosome[T,U]]): Seq[Chromosome[T,U]] =      

  // Mutation of a chromosome - Step 1
  def mutate[T : Ordering, U: Ordering](chromosome: Chromosome[T, U]): Chromosome[TU]


The crossover process involves dividing two 'parent' chromosomes and then merging their upper and lower segments to create two new 'offspring' chromosomes.

Illustration of crossover

def xover[T : Ordering, U : Ordering](
  chromosome1: Chromosome[T, U],
  chromosome2: Chromosome[T, U]
): (Chromosome[T, U], Chromosome[T, U]) = {

  if(rand.nextDouble < xOverProbThreshold) {
    val xOverIndex = (chromosome1.size()*Random.nextDouble).toInt
    val features1Len = chromosome1.getFeatures1.length

      // The cross-over cut-off is done within the first set of genes, preserving
      // the second set of genes ..
    if(xOverIndex < features1Len)
      xOverFirstFeatures(chromosome1, chromosome2)
        // Otherwise the cross-over is performed within the second set of genes
       xOverSecondFeatures(chromosome1, chromosome2)
    (chromosome1, chromosome2)

Selection chromosomes for crossover

Several approaches exist for choosing candidate chromosomes for crossover [ref 5]. Three frequently used strategies include:

  • midPoint: This method involves dividing the population of ranked chromosomes into two groups and then combining these groups.
  • pairing: This strategy selects chromosome pairs that are contiguous in terms of their ranking.
  • random: This approach randomly selects two candidate chromosomes.

Illustration of selection chromosomes for crossover

def xover[T : Ordering, U : Ordering](
  chromosomes: Seq[Chromosome[T, U]],
  xOverStrategy: String
): Seq[Chromosome[T, U]] = xOverStrategy match {
 case "midPoint" =>
    val midPoint = chromosomes.length >> 1
    val (topChromosomes, botChromosomes) = chromosomes.splitAt(midPoint)
    val (offSprings1, offSpring2) = (0 until midPoint).map(
        index => xover(topChromosomes(index), botChromosomes(index))
    offSprings1 ++ offSpring2

 case "pairing" =>
    val (offSprings1, offSpring2) = (chromosomes.indices by 2).map(
         index => xover(chromosomes(index), chromosomes(index+1)) 
    offSprings1 ++ offSpring2

Mating Cycle

A replication cycle involves the processes of crossing-over, mutation, scoring, and ultimately selecting chromosomes based on their fitness values. This cycle is encapsulated in the Reproduction class, which has the following attributes:

  • execSparkSubmit: A function for executing Spark Submit.
  • latencyFactor: A factor used in calculating the fitness of chromosomes, based on latency.
  • serverHourlyCost: The hourly cost of an average server or container, factored into the -
  • fitness: calculation of chromosomes.
  • maxPopulationSize: The upper limit on the number of chromosomes throughout the mating cycle.
  • xOverProbThreshold: A threshold value determining the likelihood of initiating a crossover.
  • mutationProbThreshold: A threshold value for the probability of triggering a mutation.
  • xOverStrategy: The strategy employed for crossover.
  • stopCondition: A function or condition that signals when to end the execution of the genetic algorithm.
class Reproduction protected (
  val execSparkSubmit: SparkConfiguration => (Int, Long),
  override val latencyFactor: Float,
  override val serverHourlyCost: Float,
  override val maxPopulationSize: Int,
  override val xOverProbThreshold: Double,
  override val mutationProbThreshold: Double,
  xOverStrategy: String,
  stopCondition: Seq[Chromosome[Int, Float]] => Boolean
) extends ScoreOp with SelectionOp with XOverOp with MutationOp {
  def mate(
    idsInt: Seq[String],
    gaEncoderInt: Seq[GAEncoder[Int]],
    idsFloat: Seq[String],
    gaEncoderFloat: Seq[GAEncoder[Float]]): Seq[Chromosome[Int, Float]] = {

    // Initialization of chromosomes
    val initialChromosomes = Seq.fill(maxPopulationSize)(
      Chromosome.rand(idsInt, gaEncoderInt, idsFloat, gaEncoderFloat)
    // Recursive reproduction cycle
    mate(initialChromosomes, iterationCount = 0)

  private def mate(
    chromosomes: Seq[Chromosome[Int, Float]], 
    iterationCount: Int): Seq[Chromosome[Int, Float]] = {

    val offSprings = xOver(chromosomes, xOverStrategy)
    val mutatedChromosomes = mutate(chromosomes ++ offSprings)
    val scoredChromosomes = score(mutatedChromosomes)
    val selectedChromosomes = select(scoredChromosomes)

    // If condition met, exit
    if (iterationCount > 16 || stopCondition(selectedChromosomes)) 
     // Otherwise recurse 
        mate(selectedChromosomes, iterationCount + 1)


Evaluation of Apache Kafka and Spark streaming functionality in Scala








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