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A Django project with Dockerized MySQL and Redis that uses Celery to run a cronjob

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Game stats project

Django-based project for managing player and game stats.

Test data can be populated into the database using the command provided. Alternatively, this can be done automatically using Celery and Redis.

MySQL and Redis run in Docker containers.

The top 10 players are listed in a web page that auto-refreshes every 10 seconds and allows to download data as a csv file.

Django-Rest-Framework was used to create the RESTful API that enables managing players and games.


Project Description

This project allows storing and managing statistics for a hypothetical game with multiple players. The game can have matches ("games") involving 0 to 10 players. This project generates statistics and a web report with the top 10 player scores.

Models are: Player (a single player), Game (a match that can have up to 10 players or even no players, for example if the match was abandoned by the players or was never started) and Stat (statistics on a single player, that can optionally be related to a game but not necessarily, for example if general statistics or media scores need to be generated). More details on models can be found in the Resources section.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


  • Python 3.x
  • Docker

Project installation and configuration

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Create and activate a Python virtual environment (optional)
  3. Install the dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

  1. Rename files that hold sensitive data (remove "_template" from the file name):

./exercise/ into ./exercise/

./docker_compose_template.yml into ./docker_compose.yml

./init_template.sql into ./init.sql

  1. Replace with your desired values in the following files:

./exercise/, ./docker_compose.yml and ./init.sql

You should replace:

  1. Create a Django secret key and paste it in exercise/, as the SECRET_KEY value, replacing your Django secret key here with it:

python shell -c "from import get_random_secret_key; print(get_random_secret_key())"

  1. Run the docker containers:

docker-compose up -d --build

  1. Apply migrations:

python migrate

  1. Generate static files

python collectstatic

Populate data


You can populate the database with some random data by running the script:

python simulate_stats

This will make use of the API to generate player data.


To run the previous script automatically using Celery and Redis:

  1. Start server:

python runserver

  1. Start celery beat:

celery -A exercise beat -l INFO --scheduler django_celery_beat.schedulers:DatabaseScheduler

  1. Start worker:

celery -A exercise worker --loglevel=DEBUG -P solo

All 3 must run simultaneously. Redis must also be running and shouldn't need to be manually run, as the Redis server is started as part of the Docker container initialization.

To modify the cron job that runs the script automatically, find the following line in the periodic task setting:

'schedule': crontab(minute='*/5')

Access data

Run the server:

python runserver

The app should now be accessible at http://localhost:8000 (unless a different port is specified).

Django admin console

First add a super user:

python createsuperuser

and select the user name and password of your preference.

Once the server is running, an admimn console UI will be available through /admin/ (e.g.: http://localhost:8000/admin/).

REST Client (e.g.: Postman)

See the Endpoints section.

HTML report for top 10 scores

View /ranking/ (e.g.: http://localhost:8000/ranking/). Stats will refresh every 10 seconds.

Optionally, the page includes a button to download this report as a csv file.


Swagger documentation is available at http://localhost:8000/game_stats/schema/swagger-ui/ (project must be running) and a downloadable yaml file is available at http://localhost:8000/game_stats/schema/.


Pagination is enabled (defaults to 10 items per page).


  1. User signup (endpoint: /signup/) Model provided by django.contrib.auth component (
  • id: Autonumeric field that represents the primary key in the database. Read-only field.
  • username: User registration name. A string with 150 characters or fewer. Required field.
  • email: User email. Optional field.
  • password: User password. Required field.
  • first_name: User first name. A string with 150 characters or fewer. Optional field.
  • last_name: User last name. A string with 150 characters or fewer. Optional field.
  1. Player (endpoint: /players/)
  • id: Autonumeric field that represents the primary key in the database. Read-only field.
  • user: An existing user. A foreign key to the User model. Required field.
  • nickname: Player nickname (e.g.: "test_user") that can only contain letters, numbers or underscores. Required field.
  • profile_image: An URL containing a profile image (avatar) of the player. Optional field.
  1. Game (endpoint: /games/)
  • id: Autonumeric field that represents the primary key in the database. Read-only field.
  • players: Players involved in the game (0-10 players). A list of foreign keys to the Player model.
  • winner: The game winner. A foreign key to the Player model. Must be included in the players list. Optional field.
  1. Stat (endpoint: /stats/)
  • id: Autonumeric field that represents the primary key in the database. Read-only field.
  • player: The player associated to the stat. A foreign key to the Player model. Must be included in the player's list of the game field. Required field.
  • creation_date: Date of card creation. Automatically defaults to the current date of entry. Read-only field.
  • score: The score obtained by the player. Must be a positive number. Optional field.
  • game: The game associated to the stat. A foreign key to the Game model. Optional field.

Running unit tests

To run all tests, execute:

python test game_stats.tests --pattern="*"

To run a specific test file (by replacing <module> and <file>):

python test game_stats.tests.<module>.<file>

Test files are placed in the ./game_stats/tests/ folder


Should you make any changes to the model, migrations might be needed to update the database:

python makemigrations

python migrate