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Frequent asked questions (FAQ) and known bugs

Patrick Douglas edited this page Jun 20, 2018 · 3 revisions

  • Error: not found or permission denied
  • Solution:

      Check if you are running the **Seqs-Extractor** in the same hard disk of your Linux system as well

  • Error:

      The program 'blastx' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:sudo apt-get install ncbi-blast+
      dpkg: error processing archive (--install): conflicting packages - not installing ncbi-blast 
      Errors were encountered while processing:
  • Solution:

      Run `sudo apt-get purge blast2 -y` and try install **Seqs-Extractor** again 

  • Error:

      Error: NCBI C++ Exception:
      T0 "/home/coremake/release_build/build/PrepareRelease_Linux64-blastn ???:0 blastn() [0x9a93a9]...offset=0x0 addr=0x9a93a9
  • Solution:

      Maybe the **blast database** is corrupted try run the `makeblastdb` command again or select an option that automatically formats the **blast** database (See [Perform a friendly BLAST search](
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