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Perform a MISA search and extract sequences

Patrick Douglas edited this page Sep 28, 2018 · 2 revisions

This option will run a MISA search and after will extract only the sequences containing the microssatelites found by the MISA search.

1. Type the name of the .FASTA file that you want to use to run the MISA search, here is you query sequences.



After this phase you are ready, just wait and the MISA results will be generated in the same folder that you are working.


By default, Seqs-Extractor run MISA with default parameters to search for microssatelites. You can modify these parameters if you prefer to (see the how to customize MISA parameters).

2. Finish

The final screen will indicate the name of the files (MISA results files and the .FASTA file with the sequences extracted). The sequences in .FASTA file generated will be named with the ID of the sequences obtained from the input file.

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