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This project is about to build a web service, an api-rest, that keep a stable and trustful connection to the data base and gives an interaction to the user with a dynamic web page.


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Ollivanders API-REST

status application test passing coverage python flask restful

Welcome to the Ollivanders API -REST project. This is the second transversal project for the students of the first year of Web Development. It's based in three fundamental aspects that the three of them will be interconnected to make everything work as desired, the three fundamental sections are:

  • A Web Service
  • A Data Base
  • A Web Page

The structure of the connection of the sections of this project will be about to create a web service, an api-rest, that keeps a connection with a data base and respond to requests that the users of our api can do from a web page that will be connected.

Do you want to know what makes this project so special and so attractive ? This API-REST has been built with two different data bases, one that follows the relational model, MySQL, and other that doesn't, MongoDB. If you're interested to see how we get that, don't waste your time and give a look to the project, this readme file will give you the perfect introduction to get an idea of what you'll find in this repository.

Table of Contents

  1. Motivation
  2. Used Technologies
  3. Instalation
  4. Execute App
  5. Directory Structure
  6. Difficulties
  7. Reflections
  8. UML Diagram
  9. Clokify
  10. Bibliography
  11. Documentation
  12. License
  13. Authors


The funny thing about the motivation of this project is that we have found so many different ones but the most special and interesting one was get to fully unerstand how the web services that we use every day work. For example the first time that we cretated a dynamic route and realized that by this way was how Facebook display the names of the people on their profile we got so excited. Finally we have finished creating a "complete" web service composed by different sections and connect all of them working with different layers in the design of our application.

The conclusion of this project is that, the web services are AWESOME! They offer you so many different possibilities that give you the chance to create and experiment. The logic that we have been working on hasn't been to complicated to understand but thanks to that we could focus ourselves into the hardest technic concepts.

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Used Technologies and Developer Tools

Used Technologies

  • Python
  • Flask-restful
  • Pytest
  • Sphinx
  • Pre-commit
  • Black
  • Coverage
  • Tox
  • Bandit
  • Mongo DB
  • SQL DB
  • HTML 5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • Docker
  • MarkDown
  • Github

Developer Tools

  • PyCharm
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Mongo Atlas
  • Data Grip
  • Postman
  • Notion

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Manual Installation

  • Install the virtual environment:

    $ sudo apt-get install python3.6-venv

  • Make a directory and go to the location:

    $ mkdir ./ollivanders
    $ cd ollivanders
  • Clone the project:

    $ git clone

  • Initialize the virtual environment and install all the dependencies:

    $ python3.6 -m venv venv
    $ source venv/bin/activate
    (venv) $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Automatic Installation

  • Create a directory and go to the location:

    $ mkdir ./ollivanders
    $ cd ollivanders
  • Clone the project:

    git clone

  • Initialize the virtual environment and activate it.

    $ python3.6 -m venv venv
    $ source venv/bin/activate
  • Install the project:

    $ pip3 install API_REST_GildedRose-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl

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Execute App

  1. First of all you have to create an account to the mongo Atlas and get a cluster to be able to connect your app. After you have created or you have done the login into your account successfully you can get the url to connect the app with your data base and go to the file to connect your api.

  2. Activate the virtual environment:

    $ source venv/bin/activate

  3. Set FLASK environment variables:

    `$ export`
    `$ export FLASK_EN=development`
  4. Check that you can have access to the mongoDB from the Atlas Cluster:

    $ curl

  5. If is the first time that you initialize this app and you data base looks empty, initialize and fill the data base with the command

    $ flask init-db

  6. Run you app into the local host port:

    $ flask run --host

  7. Check on your browser that the api is running:

Directory Structure

The architecture of our web service has been designed in different layers following the conventions of the design of web services. This allows for a clean separation between types of components and also helps gather similar programming code together in one location. One of the main goals of the layered architecture is that they become independent from one another.


This directory contain all related with the Domain Driven Design. We have integrated the first domain model that we created from the api and afterwards we made a more elaborated UML diagram. We think that the DDD patterns are really important because helps you to understand the complexity in the domain.


In this directory we will find all the files that are related with the front-end of our web service. And we have decided to keep the following directory structure:


This directory has all the logic related with the JavaScript files that provide diversity of actions to our web page

  • img: directory that contains all the images that we use for our web page

  • css: directory that contains the files that stylish our web page


This directory it has a single file that is really important because without this file we wouldn't be able to test our web api properly . This file contains a copy of our main app file but with a return statement, this gives us the chance to test the results.


Inside this directory you'll find two different files. One is called bibliography and it contains all the links and references to other projects that we had to check to get all the needed information to build our web service. I hope it will help you on future projects. And the "other file" contains the dash report from Clokify , you'll have the chance to see how much time we invest doing this project and you can get an idea of which ones should be the things to prioritize in future projects related with web services.


This directory contain all the logic and by consequent the behaviour of the objects that will be inside the data base. Every time you'll have to update the stock the objects will have to access to their logic to know what they have to do to update their quality and sell_in.


This directory is the one that create and keeps a connection with the data base that our web service is using during his execution and as well this directory it has an ORM model of the objects that will have to be added into the data base.


This directory administrate all the endpoints of the web service. Each resource is accessed by his endpoint and each one have a custom response for each situation.


This directory contains just a single file that is whole function is to create an intermediate layer between resources and repository . This give our application one more abstraction level. His functionality is to check the returned item from the data base.


In this directory we have included all the test cases that we thought were enough to cover all the possibilities that we think that could happen during the execution of our web service. This directory as well is structured into two more directories:

  • test_domain: test the logic that operates above the objects that our web service manipulate

  • test_api: test the logic of our web service and that his behaviour is as expected

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  • Connection to the data base with multiple users

  • Transform to bytes the response

  • Transform to bytes the response

  • Implement Continuous Integration tools

  • Mock data base

  • Create multiple sessions with sql alchemy

  • Config conftest to connect to a sql data base

  • Register and login form validation

  • Fetch GET method with dynamic endpoints

  • Use two data bases with the same api-rest

  • Switch user connection

  • Implement a shop

  • Add a wallet for each user

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The reflection about this project is more than positive. How I explained before this was the first REST API that we ever built an has been a bit like a challenge to get all the goals of this project and even improve the minimum requirements. One of the best advices that I can give to the people that want to be involved into a project is to administrate correctly and meticulously the time you have before reaching the goals of the project. This will improve the product you're developing and will keep a high-quality standards.

One of the best things of this project is that how has been made cooperating with the team, we learn so much from the each other and this is one of the best things. Because since the beginning of the project we start to know and get an idea of ​​the different points of view of how this project could be developed. It's surprising how good the relation of the group was from the first day and how many good ideas and advices from the each other we have learn thanks to work hand by hand. After this project I can be sure about how could be the perfect team to work with.

Exactly we have developed an API-REST because it is one of the main things to understand how the web services are built and how they work. Because we can get an idea about how could be implemented or we could know all the theoretical concepts but until you don't try to build one by yourself you don't get an idea about how many things someone should keep in mind, how much preparation and documentation one should get before start the project and how to avoid or go over the typical issues that can appear during the development. We are glad that this project has been proposed because now we feel so much more confident when we talk about web services.

Now looking back and examining the whole process passed we know that we have failed or probably we could have done much better in two main points of this project. One of the things where we failed here is about the time administration. We have spent so much time on details keeping us longer than expected and trying to develop and add new functionalities to our web service that gave the user a big opportunities to experiment and explore instead of improve the functionalities that were already implemented. We have agreed that for the next time we won't repeat the same mistakes and we will considerably improve our skills about how to approach the objectives of a project.

Finally, we think that this project has been really grateful to ourselves both for personal goals and for our professional career. We have learned so many different things about this project and thanks to the good and close relation between the team members we keep a really beautiful memory of our first web service. We still know we have a long way to go but thanks to this project now we move forward with more determination and confidence.

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UML Diagram

UML Diagram

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We will like to share with you our time rates to develop this project. How I said before one of the most important parts of a project is know how administrate your time and prioritize tasks and goals. By these graphics we hope you can get an idea of what we mean. Probably you'll see sections of the project that could be have done much better, and this probably will be reflected on the time we have spent doing this task. We are definitely very happy about the results, but we know with the time we have invested we could have done much more but keep in mind that we are learning, every day, and we like to spent time learning new concepts deeply with the intention to get a good base knowledge and avoid future errors or unless know how to solve them. Clokify is a fantastic tool for developers that want to keep track of their time, and the good point is that is really easy to use. Try it !

Lineal Clokify Diagram Circle Clokify Diagram

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Documentation Ollivanders-API-REST

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MIT License

Copyright (c) 2021 Mateo Garcia Gonzalez and Pau Llinàs Amat

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


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  • Mateo Garcia Gonzalez
  • Pau Llinàs Amat

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This project is about to build a web service, an api-rest, that keep a stable and trustful connection to the data base and gives an interaction to the user with a dynamic web page.








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