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PSModuleHelper is a PowerShell module for making it easier to work with modules.


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Contains functions to help you build, maintain and manage your modules.


PowerShell 5.0.

Module File & Folder Structure

The module function expect to find your file and folder structure as follows:

    |_ source / src / <PROJECTROOT> [required] (1)
    |   |
    |   |_ en-US [optional] (for help files) (2)
    |   |_ public [required] (public functions that will be exported)
    |   |_ private [optional] (private functions that will not be exported)
    |   |_ scripts [optional] (scripts included with your module)
    |   |_ <PROJECTROOT>.psd1 (your module manifest) (3)
    |   |_ *.Format.ps1xml [optional] (included in the manifest to be loaded)
    |   |_ *.ps1 [optional] (these will be included in the module build) (4)
    |_ test* [optional] (Pester tests) (5)
    |   |
    |   |_ public [optional] (public function tests)
    |   |_ private [optional] (private function tests)
    |_ .build.ps1 [required] (Invoke-Build script) (6)
    |_ [optional] (module changelog)
    |_ [optional] (GitHub README file)
    |_ LICENSE [optional] (module license)
    |_ releases [created by build process] (holds all built module versions)
    |   |_ <VERSION> [created by build process] (your built module)
    |_ output [created by build process] (holds output of tests)
    |_ help [created by build process] (holds markdown generated help files) (7)

Where is the root folder of your project and is also the module name.

  • (1) - The source folder can be called 'source', 'src' or the name of your project. Any of these will be detected;
  • (2) - if this folder does not exist it will be created if the external help file is created. Only en-US is supported at the moment;
  • (3) - this manifest file has to be named as your to be found;
  • (4) - Any .ps1 scripts found in the source folder will be included in the final module build so be careful what you have in there;
  • (5) - The test folder is searched for using the wildcard test* so can be called test, tests, testing, tested etc.;
  • (6) - This build script is required and can simply dot inlcude the main build script but this is where we start;
  • (7) - If you have comment based help in your functions then they will be used to create Markdown help files in this folder;

Known Issues

All the known issues will be in issues.

  • #2 The file containing the release notes MUST end with two blank lines if the last versions notes are to be used;


  • - Add Coveralls support;
  • - Capture the output from choco in the Install-ChocolateyPackage function - stops cluttering the screen;
  • - Add an object to hold default path names, filenames etc.


Pull requests are very welcome! Make sure your patches are well tested. Ideally create a topic branch for every separate change you make. For example:

  • Fork the repo
  • Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  • Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  • Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  • Create new Pull Request


PSModuleHelper is a PowerShell module for making it easier to work with modules.







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