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* This is another test release, still not intended to be production-ready. Look for version 1.0. Almost there!!
* Incremental database backups instead of doing a full mysqldump each time (full dump is done once nightly). (Thanks to Markus Bengts for the bug fix)
* Added monit monitoring daemon: monitors mysqld, apache, memcached, mongrels, system load and free drive space
* Enabled postfix by default, mail is delivered to admin user (or use new ec2onrails[:admin_mail_forward_address] option in deploy.rb to forward admin mail to an email address)
* Apache now supports SSL, set :ec2onrails[:enable_ssl] = true to enable and upload ssl cert & key (there is also a self-signed cert generated for each instance on first startup)
* Base image now built with Eric Hammond's EC2 Ubuntu script: (using svn revision 44)
* Now installing latest rubygems (version 1.1.1) from source instead of using Ubuntu package
* Apache now denies access to any file in a directory named .svn, to protect the subversion info of those who deploy with Capistrano "checkout" method
* Added force-proxy-request-1.0 and proxy-nokeepalive for proxy requests to mongrel to fix occasional "proxy: error reading status line from remote server" error (mongrel doesn't support keep-alive anyway), see apache bug #37770
* Increased default memcache size to 128m, and memcache now listens on all interfaces for clustered use
* Tuned MySQL setting defaults for better performance
* restore_db_and_deploy task now runs migrations after restoring db
* upgrade_packages task now does "safe upgrade" instead of "full upgrade"
* Now requires Capistrano 2.3.0
* Bug fix: #20040: installing or upgrading packages no longer breaks - /etc/apt/sources.list is now correct
* Bug fix: #19808: Capistrano database tasks don't try to load database config if there are no hosts in the "db" role (with :primary => true, slave roles not yet supported)
* Bug fix: #19791: MySQL no longer fails after rebundling due to missing /mnt/mysql_data
* Bug fix: #14555: Syslog messages about unacknowledged DHCP requests is no longer occurring
* Bug fix: Database backup and restore scripts now exit if already backing up or restoring.
* Bug fix: EC2 ephemeral store and swap volumes were not correctly mounted
* Bug fix: Reload apache config when setting roles to find new app hosts.
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pauldowman committed May 19, 2008
1 parent 5dc4b95 commit 56ba4ad
Showing 0 changed files with 0 additions and 0 deletions.

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