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Pager Tom

Please note that this is work in progress and not production ready

This is a Javascript pagination library. There is no reason for the name except that it's a pun.

This is Ground Control to Pager Tom...


To use this library, put a link to dist/pager-tom.min.js at the bottom of your page, after your JQuery library is loaded. You can put it in the header if you want, but you probably shouldn't because that was what we did 15 years ago when we didn't know any better and thought Javascript made your website bad.

The dist/pager-tom.min.css file should be included in your header. Feel free to edit this or use the less files included to produce your own version or merge it with your own file. Whatever.

You then need to place an element on the page where you want the pagination buttons to appear.

<div id="paginate"></div>

Once you've done this you need to add a script that invokes the pagination, and starts the magic. You should include your options when initialising this. You can then call API methods on the pagination object.

var pagination = $('#paginate').PagerTom({
        'target': '#pagination',
        'itemtarget': 'div.item',
        'perpage': 10,
        'hash': 'page-'



The target and itemtarget options are really important because they are the things it's looking at paginating. In this example you would have something on the page that looks a bit like this. Not exactly like this though, that would be a bit pointless.

<div id="pagination">
    <div class="item">Item 1</div>
    <div class="item">Item 2</div>
    <div class="item">Item 3</div>
    <div class="item">Item 4</div>
    <div class="item">Item 5</div>
    <div class="item">Item 6</div>
    <div class="item">Item 7</div>
    <div class="item">Item 8</div>
    <div class="item">Item 9</div>
    <div class="item">Item 10</div>
    <div class="item">Item 11</div>


JQuery is used to handle the DOM manipulation. Basically because we all know, it brings cross-browser compatibility, and because I'm lazy and it's less typing to write $('#id') than document.getElementById('id').

You can load any of the prerequisites by installing the npm packages.


This uses a very Bootstrap-like design for the pagination elements. However, you can easily overwrite these using the included CSS/LESS.


This is the class used for the pagination buttons. It's a HTML ul.

.paginate li

This is the class for a single pagination button.


This is the current page.

.paginate li.disabled

This is a button that can't be clicked.

Less Variables

A number of variables are used for the colours and various sizing used. These are configured in the variables.less file.

Variable Name Default Value Description
@pt-border-radius 3px; The corner radius of the pagination boxes.
@pt-margin 2px; The margin between each pagination box.
@pt-msg-colour #40a977; The colour of the "Page x of y" text.
@pt-msg-size .86em; The size of the "Page x of y" text.
@pt-side-padding 6px; The horizontal (left/right) padding of the pagination boxes.
@pt-top-padding 4px; The vertical (bottom/top) padding of the pagination boxes.
@pt-line-height 1.5em; The line height of the pagination boxes.
@pt-font-size 1.2em; The font size of the pagination boxes.
@pt-default-colour #252525; The default font colour of the pagination boxes.
@pt-default-border-colour #b0b0b0; The default border colour of the pagination boxes.
@pt-default-bg-colour #efefef; The default background colour of the pagination boxes.
@pt-active-colour #f6f6f6; The font colour of the current/active pagination box.
@pt-active-border-colour #358b62; The border colour of the current/active pagination box.
@pt-active-bg-colour #40a977; The background colour of the current/active pagination box.
@pt-disabled-colour #aaaaaa; The font colour of any disabled pagination boxes.
@pt-disabled-border-colour #b0b0b0; The border colour of any disabled pagination boxes.
@pt-disabled-bg-colour #dddddd; The background colour of any disabled pagination boxes.


When loading the PagerTom object, you can include a number of options. Some of these you will almost certainly want to include, but for most of them the default values should be fine.

Name Type Default Description
perpage integer 10 The number of items that should appear on a page
page integer 1 The page to load
target string "#pages" The overall target element that you want to paginate. It will show `perpage` child `itemtarget` elements per page.
itemtarget string div The selector for items within a page.
previous boolean|string "Previous" What do you want the text on the previous button to be. If this is `false`, no previous button will be shown.
next boolean|string "Next" What do you want the text on the next button to be. If this is `false`, no next button will be shown.
first boolean|string "First" What do you want the text on the first button to be. If this is `false`, no first button will be shown. If it is `true` it will show "1" as the first page.
last boolean|string "Last" What do you want the text on the last button to be. If this is `false`, no last button will be shown. If it is `true` it will show the number of the last page.
otherpages boolean|integer false If an integer is passed to this value, it will only show that number of pages either side of the current page. So if this is `1` and you are on page `5`, only pages `4`, `5`, and `6` will be shown.
pagecount string|boolean Page [page] of [pagecount]. This allows you to specify whether the pagecount text is displayed. A `false` value will hide this.

The available options are:
  • [page] - the number of the current page being viewed.
  • [pagecount] - the total number of pages available.
hash boolean|string false Do you want the hash of the window to change. If this is a string, the window hash will change when clicking on a page. This is useful if you want to allow a page to pick up the current page when refreshed. The value will contain the page number as a suffix, so if it is set as "page", the URL will change to "#page5" if the fifth page is selected.
animate boolean true Do you want to fade in the next page?



Closes the current page and opens the page specified. If the current page is the specified page, this will not fire. If the specified page does not exist, the closest possible page will be opened (ie it will open the first or last page).


Closes the current page and opens the next page. If the current page is the last page, this will not fire.


Closes the current page and opens the previous page. If the current page is the first page, this will not fire.


Closes the current page and opens the first page. If the current page is the first page, this will not fire.


Closes the current page and opens the last page. If the current page is the last page, this will not fire.


Returns the number of pages.


Returns the text showing the number of pages, based on the pagecount option.


Will redraw the buttons on the page.


Will hide the buttons on the page.


Returns the page number that the window hash value is suggesting we are looking at. This will return 0 if it doesn't recognise the number.


Javascript Pagination Library






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