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Webpage of the Lab of Andrea Pauli

This is the source of the webpage, the webpage itself is available at


Adding posts

Create an .md file under /_posts (start by copying an already existing file). The filename must have the form to be valid.

A JPEG file with a post picture should be called YYYYMMDD-SomeLabel.jpg and placed in /assets/img/posts/. Before adding the picture resize it to have the larger side no bigger than 1000 px. This will make it load faster.

Adding publications

Create an .md file under /_pubs (start by copying an already existing file).

If a whole publication year is missing, check that it has been added under years inside the /_config.yml file.

Adding/Removing people

Create an .md file under /_people (start by copying an already existing file).

A JPEG file with a person picture should be placed in /assets/img/people/. Before adding the picture resize it to have a width of 108 px.

splash image

The splash image is specified in the front matter using:

splash: /assets/img/splash/…

If there is no splash: record, the default_splash: image from _config.yml is used.

Splash image can also be specified for multiple pages at once using the splash: entry in the corresponding layout file.

Appearance in the search results and on Facebook/Twitter

For pages specify description: "Some description..." to have the text displayed in the search results and on Facebook/Twitter.

For news posts description gets automatically generated from the post's content.

Specifying picture: /assets/img/some_picture.jpg for any page or news post results in the image being used on Facebook/Twitter.


A sitemap.xml is automatically build based on the post publish dates. If you modify a post after it was published, add last_modified_at with the current data to the front matter.

Technical info on <lastmod> in jekyll-sitemap.


When editing in the browser, the website re-deploys automatically.

Otherwise, one needs to push to the repository using git:

git push

After changing any javascript or sass/css style files, the website has to be rebuilt offline using grunt, see Developmental setup.

Developmental setup

This is a setup for Mac OS. Linux shold be a lot simpler, see .travis.yml for inspiration.

Installs to compile js and css

  1. Install nodejs from (last tested: 10.13.0) This also bundles npm.
  2. Install the rest locally using package.json npm install
  3. Install grunt-cli globally npm install -g grunt-cli or put ./node_modules/.bin/ on your $PATH.

Installs to run jekyll and sass

  1. Install recent ruby version from MacPorts (last tested: 2.5) sudo port install rb25-bundler
  2. Make sure to put the bundle command on PATH (otherwise sass will fail) export PATH=/opt/local/libexec/ruby2.5/:$PATH
  3. Install the rest locally bundle install --path vendor/bundle


Running grunt (the default task) starts a local webserver on with a live reload.

Building and publishing the website

Any changes to layout or javascript code needs rebuilding the website using grunt. Running grunt build triggers a complete build of the website regenerating the relevant CSS/JS assets (/assets/css/main.min.css, /assets/js/main.min.css and /assets/js/fun.min.css). The static website (output of jekyll) is put into the _site subdirectory. The changed assets should be pushed to the github repository. The push will trigger a jekyll run on the github side and publishing of the changes on the website.

Seeing changes after update might require a refresh in the browser, e.g., Cmd+R in Firefox.

To ensure predictable results it is advisable to keep the dependencies and versions available to the jekyll run on the github side in sync with the local setup (Gemfile).

Check the website speed


The favicon is generated from the logo.svg template using the real favicon generator.


Sitemaps get generated automatically by the jekyll-sitemap plugin.