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Simple Documentation

paulocheque edited this page Apr 6, 2012 · 4 revisions

Simple Documentation (EDIT ME)

from django_dynamic_fixture import N, G, F, P
#or use old default names:
#from django_dynamic_fixture import new, get, DynamicFixture as F, 	print_field_values


from django.db import models

class ModelA(models.Model): pass

class ModelY(models.Model):
	other_text = models.CharField()
	other_list = models.ManyToManyField('ModelA')

class ModelX(models.Model):
	some_text = models.CharField(null=True)
	parent_left = models.ForeingKey('self')
	y_reference = models.ForeingKey('ModelY')
	list_a = models.ManyToManyField('ModelA')


  • DynamicFixture (F): receive arguments and create model instances.
  • new: it is just a wrapper: it creates a F to create a not saved model instance.
  • get: basically, call the new method and save the instance. You can set ManyToMany fields only after the instance is saved.


instance_of_modelx = N(ModelX)
assert instance_of_modelx.some_text != None
assert instance_of_modelx.parent_left != None
assert instance_of_modelx.parent_left.parent_left == None
assert == None # new do not save the instance
assert != None # save dependencies by default
assert len(instance_of_modelx.list_a.all()) == 0 # do not create 	many2many fields by default

instance_of_modelx = N(ModelX, fill_nullable_fields=False) # default = True
assert instance_of_modelx.some_text == None

You can ignore fields, but do not ignore required fields (with null=False).

instance_of_modelx = G(ModelX, ignore_fields=['some_text'])
assert instance_of_modelx.some_text == None

Very nice feature to work with trees

instance_of_modelx = N(ModelX, number_of_laps=2) # default = 1
assert instance_of_modelx.parent_left != None
assert instance_of_modelx.parent_left.parent_left != None
assert instance_of_modelx.parent_left.parent_left.parent_left == None

This feature is specially useful to test search methods

instance_of_modelx = N(ModelX, some_text='some fixed data') # attribute accepts static data
assert instance_of_modelx.some_text == 'some fixed data'

Use this with attention. First, check for design mistakes

instance_of_modelx = N(ModelX, id=99999) # you can define the id too
assert == 99999

You can create your own function to create data..

instance_of_modelx = N(ModelX, some_text=lambda field: # attribute accepts callables
assert instance_of_modelx.some_text == 'some_text'

Use this with attention, you can get an error if you try to save an instance with not saved dependencies

instance_of_modelx = N(ModelX, persist_dependencies=False)
assert == None

instance_of_modelx = G(ModelX) # get save the model instance
assert != None

instance_of_modelx = G(ModelX, list_a=2) # Many2Many can receive a number of instances to be created
assert len(instance_of_modelx.list_a.all()) == 2

instance_of_modelx = G(ModelX, list_a=[F(), F(), F()]) # Many2Many can receive a list of DynamicFixtures
assert len(instance_of_modelx.list_a.all()) == 3

a = G(ModelA)
instance_of_modelx = G(ModelX, list_a=[F(), a, F()]) # Many2Many can receive 	a list of instances
assert len(instance_of_modelx.list_a.all()) == 3

You can pass arguments to F (DynamicFixture) recursively. This works for ForeignKey and ManyToMany Fields! Easy and customizable!

instance_of_modelx = G(ModelX, parent_left=F(other_text='wow', other_list=2))
assert len(instance_of_modelx.y_reference.other_list.all()) == 2

Highly recursivable example:

# X has a ForeignKey to A
# A has a ForeignKey to B
# B has a ForeignKey to C
# this will create instances of C, B, A and X (in this order). Attribute d of C will be 'some value'
G(X, a=F(b=F(c=F(d='some value'))))

For Debug:


Custom FileField:

class ModelX(models.Model):
	my_file = models.FileField(upload_to='/')

from tempfile import mkstemp
pdf_a = File(open(mkstemp()[1], 'w'), name='a.pdf')
G(ModelX, my_file=pdf_a)


G(ModelX, my_field=C('my_field_y.x'))


G(ModelX, my_field='x', shelve=True)
G(ModelX, use_library=True)

Named Shelve

G(ModelX, my_field='x', shelve='some name')
G(ModelX, use_library=True, named_shelve='some name')

Shelving before all tests of a module:

def setUpModule():
	N(ModelX, my_field='x', shelve=True)

Shelving before all tests of all modules:

Put the code in the or tests/ of specific application.
N(ModelX, my_field='x', shelve=True)


Add in

N(ModelX, my_field='x', shelve=True)

Run with nose plugin:

python test --with-ddf-setup


from django_dynamic_fixture.decorators import skip_for_database, only_for_database, SQLITE3 

def test_something1(self): pass

def test_something2(self): pass

@only_for_database("some value used in settings.DATABASES['default']['ENGINE']")
def test_something3(self): pass

@skip_for_database("some value used in settings.DATABASES['default']['ENGINE']")
def test_something4(self): pass

Queries Module

python test --with-queries
python count_queries_on_save