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Pavithran S Iyer edited this page Apr 12, 2018 · 24 revisions

Welcome to the chflow wiki! Here, we will provide a detail documentation on the various functionalities in chflow. To launch the front end of chflow, run the shell executable

Functions in chflow

The set of all functions in chflow can be broadly categorized into those that deal with

  1. Quantum error correcting codes,
  2. Quantum channels,
  3. Running simulations and
  4. Plotting results.

Click on a category above to view all the associated functions with some background information on quantum error correction whenever necessary.

Getting help within chflow

In addition to the documentation provided above, one can view command specific usage and description information by invoking the man command in chflow. The following is an example displaying the usage of sbload.

10-236-13-3:chflow pavithran$ ./ 
>> man sbload
	Description: Create a new submission of channels to be simulated.
	load [s1(string)]
	where s1 is either a time stamp specifying a submission or a file containing parameters. If no inputs are given, the user will be prompted on the console.
  • Physical noise processes
    • Definitions of quantum channels
    • Representations of quantum channels
    • Approximations to a Pauli channel
  • Quantum error correction
    • Quantum error correcting codes
    • Decoding and effective channel
  • Running simulations
    • On a local computer
    • On Compute Canada clusters
  • Plotting results
  • Deriving new measures of noise strength
    • Fitting logical error rates to an ansatz
    • Using machine learning techniques
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