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Exemplary tests in Robot framework

The project presents sample tests using the Robot Framework and Browser library. It also shows how to create custom test libraries in python, Playwright and Page object pattern, which can be used with Robot framework.

  • In test/tests_fill_out_the_form.robot file and resources/ directory, you find tests using "Browser" library for Robot Framework. This library uses playwright Node module, and it is a very powerful tool. In resources/ directory, you find modules with user defined keywords. These files are similarly arranged as classes in the PoP pattern for object-oriented languages. One file with keywords definitions represent only one Page of website or component, e.g. form.

  • In test/tests_fill_out_the_form.robot you find Robot Framework tests using user test library. This library you find in user_pop_lib. This library implements page object pattern and was written in python using the playwright.

The random data for tests are obtained using the FakerLibrary for robot framework.

If you would like to experiment with this project, here are some commands you may find useful:

robot -d resoults tests <- run tests. "resoults"- log and report directory, tests- directory with tests

playwright codegen <- playwright useful tool to get locators and some code sniplets

playwright show-trace .\ <- useful playwright tool e.g. for debugging tests. You can trace everything that happened during the test.

rfbrowser show-trace -F <- command for browser lib. It is the same as playwright show-trace .\

Installation dependencies:

pip install robotframework-faker <- Install FakerLibrary for robot framework

For Playwright using tests

pip install playwright <- Install playwright for user test library

playwright install <- install the playwright browser

For Browser robot framework library using tests

pip install -U robotframework-browser <- install Browser

rfbrowser clean-node <- clean node

rfbrowser init <- init/install all requirements for Browser


  • Python
  • Robot framework
  • Browser <- robot framework library
  • FakerLibrary <- robot framework library
  • Playwright