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The Pay4Best Wallet's User Guide

The Pay4Best wallet is web-based wallet deployed at Instead of storing the private key in localStorage, it always derives the private key from a signature signed by a Web3 wallet, such as MetaMask, TrustWallet, Rabby, imToken, TokenPocket, etc. So, you do not need to remember another set of bip39 mnemonics, or worry about leaking the on-disk localStorage.

However, you must NEVER sign a message containing "I hereby grant this website the permission to access my 💰 wallet💰" on other websites. If you signed, they can get the private key used by the Pay4Best wallet.

Pay4Best Wallet uses different methods to interact with DApp on PC browsers and on mobile devices, because the mobile wallets restrict the permissions of iframes while PC browsers do not.

Working on PC browsers

A DApp interacts with the Pay4Best wallet through cross-window messaging. The DApp's website should contain a iframe of, like this:

<!-- When using the mainnet: -->

<iframe src="" id="pay4bestFrame"></iframe>

<!-- When using the testnet: -->

<iframe src="" id="pay4bestFrame"></iframe>

The Pay4Best frame talks to its parent window through MessageChannel. The communication protocol is described as below.

Get the Address and the Public Key

To get the cash address of the account managed by the Pay4Best frame, you should post a message containing Pay4BestWalletReq: {GetAddr: true} field. And the result will be posted back in the event's data field.

   const channel = new MessageChannel();
       Pay4BestWalletReq: {
           GetAddr: true,
   }, '*', [channel.port1]);
   channel.port2.onmessage = function(event) {
       if ( === 'wallet-not-init') {
           // the pay4best wallet is not loaded yet
       } else {
           // is the Cash Address

To get the public key of the account managed by the Pay4Best frame, you should post a message containing Pay4BestWalletReq: {GetPublicKey: true} field. And the result will be posted back in the event's data field.

Just replace GetAddr with GetPublicKey in the above example and will be the public key.

Get a signed transaction

To make the Pay4Best frame sign a transaction, you should post a message containing Pay4BestWalletReq: {UnsignedTx: ...} field:

  const channel = new MessageChannel();
      Pay4BestWalletReq: {
          UnsignedTx: {
              transaction: <the first argument of signUnsignedTransaction>,
              sourceOutputs: <the second argument of signUnsignedTransaction>
  }, '*', [channel.port1]);
  channel.port2.onmessage = function(event) { // to parse the first response
      if (! {
          // the browser blocked '', ask the user to unblock pop-out windows
          // and retry
          var url = ""+encodeURI(location.origin)+"&req=";
      channel.port2.onmessage = function (event) { // to parse the second response
          if ( {
              // the user refused to sign
          } else {
              // is what you need

The UnsignedTx field provides the arguments used to call signUnsignedTransaction.

The Pay4Best frame will post back two responses in sequence.

The first response has a ok field and a reqID field. The ok field shows whether the window for signing confirmation has successfully popped out. If it's not, you should use the reqID to assemble a URL and use it to call again, after asking the user to unblock all the pop-out windows from this DApp.

The second response has a refused field and a signedTx field. The refused field shows whether the user refused to sign the transaction. If the user did not refuse, the signedTx is the return value from signUnsignedTransaction.

Get a signature for CheckSig

Cashscript supports a data type named sig, which is a signature used by the CheckSig function. Generating such a signature is different from signing a transaction. So, to make the Pay4Best frame generate such a signature, you should post a message containing Pay4BestWalletReq: {UnsignedTx: ...} field like this:

  const channel = new MessageChannel();
      Pay4BestWalletReq: {
          UnsignedTx: {
              transaction: <the first argument of signTransactionForArg>,
              sourceOutputs: <the second argument of signTransactionForArg>,
              inputIndex: <the third argument of signTransactionForArg>,
              bytecode: <the fourth argument of signTransactionForArg>
  }, '*', [channel.port1]);

The UnsignedTx field provides the arguments used to call signTransactionForArg. Please note the whole transaction is needed to generate the signature that is used in the unlocking bytecode of just one input.

The Pay4Best frame will post back two responses in sequence.

The first response has a ok field and a reqID field. The ok field shows whether the window for generating signature has successfully popped out. If it's not, you should use the reqID to assemble a URL and use it to call again, after asking the user to unblock all the pop-out windows from this DApp.

The second response has a refused field and a signedTx field. The refused field shows whether the user refused to generate the signature. If the user did not refuse, the signedTx is the return value from signTransactionForArg.

Working on mobile devices

To work on mobile devices, the Pay4Best's page runs in a mobile wallet (MetaMask, TrustWallet, imToken, TokenPocket, etc) and the DApp's page runs in a normal browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc). The DApp calls Pay4Best through DeepLinks to get addresses and to broadcast transactions.

To broadcast a transaction, you call the URL<base64_presentation_of_tx>. The broadcasttx parameter is calculated using the following code:

import { decode, encode } from "algo-msgpack-with-bigint";

function pack(transaction, sourceOutputs) {
    var unsignedTx = {transaction:transaction, sourceOutputs: sourceOutputs};
    return base64EncodeURL(encode(tx))

function base64EncodeURL(byteArray: Uint8Array) {
  return btoa(Array.from(new Uint8Array(byteArray)).map(val => {
    return String.fromCharCode(val);
  }).join('')).replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '_').replace(/\=/g, '');

The transaction and sourceOutputs are the first and second argumets of signUnsignedTransaction.

To get the EVM address and the derived cash address of Pay4Best, you call the URL<origin>, where origin is your original DApp page which needs to know the addresses.

Pay4Best will generate a URL string which points to the original DApp page with two additional parameters: wallet, which is the cash address derived by Pay4Best, and evmAddress, which is the EVM address used by Pay4Best.

Currently, Pay4Best does not support generate signatures for CheckSig.


Documentation for the Pay4Best wallet







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